This one is Cluckers, she is almost 1 1/2 yrs old.

This one is the other hen, ButterCake (kids named her), she just turned 5 months (she just started laying eggs)

This is the one we think is a roo, it's name is Butter (again the kids named it)

This one is the "roo" Butter and ButterCake. They are the same age.
I live in Titusville but officially in the county. I have 13 hens currently on my duplex lot with permission from my landlord. The neighbors are cool too. Just hoping no one "turns me in" because yes, one chicken is torture IMHO
I have about 60 chickens But most are for sale.As of right now I have Rhode Island Reds,Barred Rocks,Leg Horns.(Silkie Chicks Most for sale),Buff Orpingtons,Easter Eggers
Most people in Brevard county do not abide by the law cause their laws don't make any since. I do know that you can get away with it if you don't get a rooster to where it is so loud as you city alarm clock. But they they do a good job on letting yu know if something strange comes in your yard.Atleast mine does. I'm in Cocoa.
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From these pictures on my tiny iPhone butter doesn't look like a roo
am I wrong?

I do believe you are wrong.Sure looks like a roo to me.But in the long run he will prove hat he is.
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Hi Chicken People from Ft. Pierce, FL ! Wow, there's a ton more Floridians on this thread ! I'm not sure I can go through all 1000+ entries to look for my neighbors ! Maybe I can just do a "shout out" to anyone near Ft. Pierce, FL. I would love to chat with you to see if you have any secret strategies for selling your chickens !! (I think I let my son hatch out way too many this year...is 111 too much ? I'm beginning to think so.) Thanks, Lisa. (p.s. Anyone want to check out our website ? www.emsquaredfarms.weebly.com)
Actually, make that 3000+ Floridians on here. That's too many for one person to go through manually. Wish I could program some kind of search bot to find my neighbors for me. Anyways, if you see my post and live near me, please write to me so we can chat. Thanks !

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