Well we don't miss you either
Here here to more layers soon!!
Well welcome back stranger and your black rooster hasn't crowed yet.Unless you removed how voice box before you brought him over.But he is getting bigger and alot better looking.

Nope.. If I could have made him stop crowing I would have kept him
Uno was my favorite.. Very handsome.. will have to come visit him. I guess he knows that Big Red is in charge
Love this BYC family... anyway... Last night I stayed out past dark (rare these days) and I came home to my ONLY LAYER ON TOP OF HER EGG! Every day I check her lately, she's been taking HOURS to lay an egg & is in a daze as she "tries." What would you all say? Did she go broody?

I am so tempted to buy her fertile eggs & let her do what's coming natural to her...
Well welcome back stranger and your black rooster hasn't crowed yet.Unless you removed how voice box before you brought him over.But he is getting bigger and alot better looking.

Nope.. If I could have made him stop crowing I would have kept him
Uno was my favorite.. Very handsome.. will have to come visit him. I guess he knows that Big Red is in charge

Your little guy has been running loose every since you dropped him off.
I wouldn't jump the gun just yet with her, we have hens who will sit after they lay, we have one who goes to bed in the nest box at night if we are late collecting eggs. The minute they are collected she goes back to the roost.

I have eggs arriving this week, but don't want to risk them to her not sitting them through to hatch.

This morning I found her in the box & I thought she was DEAD. I was like "hey you, get up..." no answer... then finally a little bawk bawk bwaaaaaa. Lazy birds barely got up with the sun today
I let them "sleep in."

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