Hello all

We are moving unexpectedly several states away, the new city has sketchy chicken laws and we'll be living in another family's home until we get on our feet, so I'm going to have to rehome my pullet. She'll be one year old as of March, white silkie (pet quality). Decent layer, I've had an egg almost every day from her until it got really cold here. Good chicken, she's friendly, comes to you for treats and tolerates being loved. She's a little bit dirty because she free ranges in the yard during the day but I can give her a bath before you get her if need be.

She comes with probably around 30lbs of layer feed, most of it is in giant pickle jars but some will be in a bag, as well as half a small bag of non-soluble crushed granite, and 1/3 a bag of shavings. The only catch is that you need to be able to come to St. Augustine and pick her up.

If anyone is interested, please let me know asap!
Found 1 auction:

Thanks! But I need more than 3 shells. Anyone have any??
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Hey everyone..

I am about over shipped eggs.. such disappointing hatches lately.

I have a few types of birds I am looking for and would like to find someone local that I could purchase a young bird from. I can only have females here so sexed would be better. If you have eggs and live close I would be ok to get those too I just don't want to have to deal with the PO

1. Paint Silkie
2. Lemon Blue Cochin
3. Orpington (blue or splash would be awesome)
4. Bantam Cochin (MF or laced of some kind)

This is my very short but specific request list
I hope someone can help me out. PM me and Thanks!!

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