A broody hen will keep the nest clean and eat any broken eggs. I would gently blot off the eggs with a damp, not wet, paper towel. As far as moving her you run the risk of her abandoning the eggs. If there is a way you could move the whole nest to a less frequented spot or keep the other hens from getting at that nest.
We have officially begun to build the PVC run, should have it finished soon . The wire won't be here until Tuesday so...that leaves us contemplating the actual "coop" part. The run will be 10'x 4' x 3' and be able to detach from the coop so the run will be moveable. Lucy and Zoey are almost 2 months old and rapidly outgrowing their rabbit cage. I let them have the run of our backyard when we are home though. They have found a haven under a plant and set up under it a lot. Can't wait to get it all done !
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So remember when you'll gave me to next spring to get an incubator? Well since I am unable to come to the big swap i decided to go ahead and get my coachin bantams today. I picked up a pair of birchens that are ready to lay ina month or so. I traded off one of ny speckled sussex for an
White ee pullet si now i ave a pair of white ee's. And i got 2the beautiful ailver laced tiny babies. A blue cochin bantam and a blue splash! The last 4few are sitting in my....wait for it.....brooder box undee the heat lamp! I am so happy right now! So its safe to say that i will be hatching my first clutch at the end of tbe summer :)I broody sfyle probably.
...She has been on the nest about 12 days...............should I try to move her?...
You'll hear a lot of folks say "Oh, I always keep my broodies in the coop with the rest of the flock and they do just fine" but I think that if it's at all possible, it's ideal to separate a broody hen. Either move her to private quarters or devise a way to put a barricade around her. Left in the coop other hens can bother the broody trying to get in the nest to add their egg to the clutch, and sometimes breakage occurs. Also, when the broody gets off the nest for her daily coffee break she may get misdirected on the way back and go to set on a different nest while her original egglings are left to cool.

It's true that some hens will refuse to nest in a different location. But if you move them well after dark and try to make the move as swift & seamless as possible, and then shade the new nest area so it's kept dim for a few days, most hens won't realize they've been moved. I have a collection of cages & kennels I use for my broodies, they have room for their nest and a bit of room to get up, eat, drink & poop.

If it's possible I would say to isolate this hen to keep further mishaps from occurring. Check to see if she's thoroughly cleaned up the egg mess, you may want to replace the straw bedding and sprinkle some insecticidal dust like 5% Sevin around to keep the ants away. After setting for 12 days she *should* be well-committed to the job no matter what you do. But each hen is different, and some are more easily discouraged than others.
Yay for you, Christa, you waited with such patience, I'm glad to see it so well-rewarded. Start collecting egg recipes & prepare to be spoiled for ever eating store-bought eggs again!
One more thing...how does a pvc run compare in cost to a 2x43 run?
So far, my 10'x4'x3' PVC run cost $60 and the wire cost another $67. That covers the entire run. The coop will be more but we have 2 free sheets of 4x8 plywood so far. I'm planning on a 4'x3' x3'coop that site about 2' off the ground. We only have 4 chickens to house so that should be fine.
Here is a pic without the end doors or wire.
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Need advice. My little broody hen is in the favorite nest of all the girls and today 2 hens sat on her and caused an egg to break. So sad seeing that tiny chick. She has been on the nest about 12 days...............should I try to move her? Also, there was egg yuck all over her other eggs and I saw a couple of ants. What can I do to prevent other eggs being broken and the ants from getting them?

I feel you pain! Three of mine have gone broody and I only have one broody house. Of course the other two picked the favorite nest box. I tried moving them the other night into my new silkie coop after evicting the silkies (they BOTH turned out to be roos. Anyone want one!?!?) Well they'd have no part of it so I put them back and sure enough, next time I checked I was short an egg and there was yolk on another. I was blaming one of the big girls for eating it but I'm prefering Sunny Side's suggesting that the broody ate it after it was broken. I like that scenario better. Final outcome is that I closed off that section of the coop. Fortunately I'd just built some outside the coop nest boxes so everyone can use those or avail themselves of the silkie's coop. As luck would have it, the busted egg was a silkie. I think silkies just aren't in the cards for me.
Thanks everyone for your incite, unfortunately I have no place to relocate my girl all my nest boxes are side by side.. Have all hens so wasn't prepared for a broody. I couldn't break her from being broody so bought her some fertile eggs. I did change out the hay and wipe off eggs and removed the broken egg/fetus.

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