Chobee, the first photo and bird on the left is having late break through red on the shoulders. Please watch it, or get a good picture of its face/comb. I am thinking it may be a late showing roo.
Feel free to text me the pictures or email them over, if it's a roo and you want some replacements let me know. They all look very happy.
Thanks! I'm not sure yet, she (he) still seems to be "acting" girlie; but I did notice the red breaking through. I will try to get a pic or 2 this weekend of her
to text to you. We have 2 official layers w/ I think a 3rd finally comfortable enough to start up now. So far we are getting 2 beautiful baby/tiffany blue eggs a day from the blonde & gold bigger girls. They are all so lovable & sweet to the boys. Also, Ray-Ray is doing great! The boys adore her!!
Hello everyone in florida! I'm new to the site and new to owning chickens. We our about half way done with finishing our coop. So for we have 5 chickens an I can't wat to get more. I have 4 EE and 1 favorelle. Anyone have any suggestion on what breed I should get next . I am finding tha some of my chickens are open mouth breating a lot.I know its starting to get hot this time of the year and am guessing that is the cause but I'm not sure if its normal cause like I said I am new to this. Anyone know if its normal? Thanks. :)
Hello everyone in florida! I'm new to the site and new to owning chickens. We our about half way done with finishing our coop. So for we have 5 chickens an I can't wat to get more. I have 4 EE and 1 favorelle. Anyone have any suggestion on what breed I should get next . I am finding tha some of my chickens are open mouth breating a lot.I know its starting to get hot this time of the year and am guessing that is the cause but I'm not sure if its normal cause like I said I am new to this. Anyone know if its normal? Thanks.

Hello and
from Lake Wales. Yes it is normal. Just make sure they have shade and plenty of water. Unless your coop is in the shade they really get hot. When it gets really hot I give mine ice cold watermelon and put ice in their waters. White or Brown Leghorns are very good in the heat and they are egg laying machine. I have Brown Leghorns that will be starting to lay in about a month. I have a roo so they will be fertile if you want to try to hatch some eggs.
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Well HI Everyone! Here we are in Ocala (actually Morriston) and we have only JUST got the internet back!! Arrrgggh! Century link promised me I would have DSL at our new address (I called before we left) and again when I called up to start service here ....we waited and waited made multiple trips to town so I could call on cell phone which is Metro and doesnt come close to getting a signal out her (double arrrgh) only to find out in the end they dont have enough bandwith left to get us hooked up with DSL
As our new landlord had basically promised we would have the internet, he got us (yesterday) a MiFi from Sprint.The signal seems to be intermittant..but hey at least I can see that beloved word coming up on my puter.."Connecting".....I dont know how many hours/days I spent staring at my screensaver, until finally I turned my computer off and read some old twice read books already on my kindle LOL
Landlord also promised a stall/pasture for Becky's horse (Bear) but we get here to find he has the whole barn already rented to a bunch of hunter/jumper people and we had to fight with him (the snotty trainer guy) to even get Bear a pasture! So as our apartments are actually connected to the barn we took one of the 4 corner entrances and made it own with all my plants in pots all lined up against their washrack and chairs to sit on and gaze apon the back pasture full of huge old oak trees and we see all the birds including a wild turkey and the gorgous male peacock the property owners father (now passed away) had here so he is running wild. We SO want to catch that peacock of at least get a hen so he can mate with her! Then we spotted a bunch of old 12ft gates and Becky and built Bear a corral/Stall right next to the apartment! Hahahaha! threw in some shavings and bought a pergola shade tent to cover it with. We tried leaving the mosquito netting attached to it but that just a bit too spooky for the silly goose so we took those off and hung them in our two entry doors to try to keep some of the bugs out of our apartments. The BUGS omg! flying roaches and flies everywhere! The barn "renter" dumps the manure from 12 huge horses all over the place in huge piles and its way too close . Nothing we can do about it though.
Our Landlord said we can have anything we want back here and really approved our stall/coral handywork! I asked if we could paint and he said "you can do anything you want to the place"
I have a spot partially horse fenced that sits the well pump and am just waiting to find some free materials to at least build a coop (and wont the barn renter just LOVE having chickens running aroud pooping in his barn isles
We have to protect the chickens somehow though cause I know there is all kinds of critters back in the "woods" just waiting for a free meal. We dont have a lot of available cash right now as moving was expensive!!! BUT whens the next chicken swap meet?
Missed you all! and will get a picture of our "stall" area soon to show you..maybe today even. Plus will be looking for another rental in the meantime...and at least then we go see it first!
Please be patient as I update the whole list, I promise I will get to you.

Also I've noticed that a lot of our firs fl members are very active but not in this thread
we miss you all
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