Any one here live in Pasco County? I am interested in starting a petition drive to change the county code to allow chickens (hens not roos) in limited numbers for those who in residental zones R1-R4. I recently found a petiion on change.org for this same thing that 400+ people sign on but I did notice not all were residents of Pasco Co. One of the posted statments from the orginator of the petition was that the county comission did not feel that there is enough interest amoung of the county to warrent a change to the current code. I would like to prove them WRONG!
I live next to Shady Hills, everyone has an acre, and we are allowed hens , not roos. However, the pigeon people here (Lots) are only allowed to have 20 but have a thousand each. So I'll keep my roos for now.

Are there specific areas where you can't have a few hens?
Okay, it finally happened to ME. I am so frazzled I can't remember what I am supposed to do. The neighbor's dogs dug under the fence and attacked my chickens. They only injured one. She has shallow puncture wounds and some torn flesh. I applied neosporin without painkiller, I gave her some gatorade laced with Tylan 50 to ward off infection, and I wrapped her in a towel to get her warm. She's now inside with a heating pad on her. Seems in shock, not standing up. What else do I do? I can't think straight. My dogs went out there and one got into it with the biggest of the dogs. He has some flesh wounds on his ear but he's fine. Neighbor is sympathetic and offered to replace if she dies, and pay for any vet bills for the dog. Of course this has to happen on a Saturday night. Thanks for any help.
How bout paying a vet bill for the chicken?
I would give her some time, and make her some good people food like french toast, and keep her drinking. That's about all you can do. Does she need stitches?
WET POX UPDATE: Cleaned out Olives throat again tonight..
I guess this will be our lives until she is better. Swabbing the "plaques" with listerine q-tips and then scraping them out with q-tips and/or bobbi pins. Swap, scrape, swab, scrape.. Anyone else ever dealt with this and had a chicken live?? I am happy to take suggestions.

Good news is that she is still mostly interested in food and water. Any advice for treats to try with her? She is in a cage in my bathroom. I've been giving her chick starter (extra protein) mixed with layer as she is about 16-20 weeks old. I raise meal worms so she gets a few of those every day. In the morning she is getting scrambled egg with olive oil and garlic. Evenings she gets some lightly cooked oats with chia seeds and hemp protein. Tonight she got a little bit of canned cat food which she likes. She's eating ok but she is so thin. I feel terrible that she has obviously been struggling with this disease a while and it wasn't until she couldn't breathe that I noticed

Thanks for the support.. it's really hard to have our pets sick. I've lost so many chickens in the last 6 months.. couldn't save the last one who was egg bound.. darned determined to save this one
Jess, I've no experience with wet pox, sounds like she's dining like a queen. What antibiotic are you using? I imagine you said so earlier.

There will be no vet bill for the chicken. I love my chickens but they are, after all, just chickens. I've paid hundreds for necropsy and pathology to find solutions for something that threatened the whole yard, but I'm not vetting 1 chicken for a dog attack.

I haven't had problems with these dogs and my neighbor has made honest efforts to resolve the matter. I'm not getting outside agencies involved, there's no need for it. I do fully support anyone who does use them when they are needed though.

Thank you all for your help and support.

cityhatcher: I live in central Pasco, Wesley Chapel. Luckily, I live in a neighborhood where you can still have anything, but the darn city is closing us in. I really feel for those of you who can't even have 3 hens. It angers me to no end that people can have loud and obnoxious dogs, parrots, and children (ha ha), but a person can't own a few chickens!

I met a nice lady on Saturday that lives on 3 ACRES!!! in Sebring, her neighbors are a warehouse and Progress Energy, and she can't have but 2 hens!?!?!??!?!?! There is an existing BARN on the property!!! Weird thing is, she can have potbellied pigs! So her diabolical plan is to get a drift of pigs!!!

Oh, what have our governments come to?!?!
I just have duramyacin (sp?)... I can get something else if you guys think it would help. She FINALLY made a good poop this morning so I am satisfied that she is eating and drinking enough. I am going to keep her in a couple more days making sure she is putting on weight and keeping her throat clear. Then I will try to integrate her back into the flock. I am hoping no one else comes down with it though. This is tough!!

Jess, I've no experience with wet pox, sounds like she's dining like a queen. What antibiotic are you using? I imagine you said so earlier.
I just have duramyacin (sp?)... I can get something else if you guys think it would help. She FINALLY made a good poop this morning so I am satisfied that she is eating and drinking enough. I am going to keep her in a couple more days making sure she is putting on weight and keeping her throat clear. Then I will try to integrate her back into the flock. I am hoping no one else comes down with it though. This is tough!!
I don't find that product satisfying.

Get Tylan 50. It's sold as injectable but you can give it orally. I give 1 cc (for LF, 1/2 cc for bantams) by mouth once a day for about 5 days. Usually very quick results. dawg on BYC recommends it, that's where I got my info.
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