Flower horns?

I love the chocolate eggs of the Marans, but given your situation, between those three, I would pick the Barred Rock. BRs are generally the calmest and most docile of that group (although on rare occasions you can get an aggressive one), and they are probably the hardiest in extreme climates of those three.
I've never had one, but if you've got one, I would like to see a picture of it. I would expect, based on what I know of the parent breeds, that this particular cross would be rather high strung and flighty, but good layers.
So if you had to pick between a flower horn, barred rock, or black copper maran what would you get? I have a toddler and preschooler so they have to be good around kids. Where I live is typically mid-90's for the summer highs and -10's for the winter lows. I only have hens for eggs (and my own personal amusement). Me and the kids think our girls are hilarious. My husband thinks we're crazy.
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