Fly predators, ag lime, not both?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Richmond, MO
We have lots of chickens, pigs, and a few cattle. And a frightening number of FLIES! I've just released 25,000 fly predators around the pig lot, chicken yard, dogs' yard, and near where the cattle like to hang out. And I have another shipment arriving today. Hoping these will make a dent in the fly population! Meanwhile, I've also been looking into using ag lime to control the odor and flies in the pig pen, where they are the worst. And it just occurred to me (dummy!) that if ag lime kills flies and fly larvae, then it will also kill the fly predators! So now what?
Call the fly predator company and ask about the lime.
I can't find the thread now, but it was fairly recent - someone else released fly predators, but had but DE down. It seemed like that wasn't going to be an issue, so maybe the lime won't be either.
Good luck in your search.
Call the fly predator company and ask about the lime.
I can't find the thread now, but it was fairly recent - someone else released fly predators, but had but DE down. It seemed like that wasn't going to be an issue, so maybe the lime won't be either.
Good luck in your search.
Thanks for the reply. I will contact them. Meanwhile, I think I'll skip the ag lime until I'm certain, and just let nature take its course. I have money invested in the voracious little bugs and don't want to take a chance.

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