Fly Strike


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 7, 2009
last night I noticed one of my B.O. hens had flies buzzing around her bottom.This morning we checked her bottom and her feathers in that area were full of maggots.I was horrified and had never herd of fly strike and we didn't really know what to do besides try and get them off somehow.

So we washed her bottom getting off what we could.Then I remembered I had a bottle of permethrin,so I mixed some up and we dipped her.So I was wondering if the permethrin will kill the maggots,and do I need to redip her or mix up a spray.I really hope this was the right thing to use.I checked her over while cleaning her bottom and there is no sign of an injury anywhere.
i hope someone chimes in to help you...
After calling my mom for advice,I went and trimmed her feathers around her bottom,and checked for live maggots.There were a few still alive,but most looked dead.I cleaned the area with peroxide and put vasealine on her bottom to smother them.I have throughly checked her and have found no injuries.The only thing I have noticed is the skin above her vent is a little red.I hope we have this under control and I will be going to the feed store tomorrow and see if they carry Swat.

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