**Flying to the top of the fence!!!**


8 Years
May 26, 2011
North Carolina
Hi everyone, I`m new here but I thought well I`m on here I mine as well ask the question I have been wondering!!

I have 7 pullets, and the problem I`m having with them is flying to the top of the 5 ft tall chicken wire and roosting! I went out to put them up last night and found 2 on top of the fence where my dogs are!! Luckily my dogs are lazy and pay no attention!
So does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep them from doing this?? I thought about putting a top on the run but Idk. What d you guys think?? Thanks!
I used cheap black deer netting. Once they hit that a time or two they will be quite cautious about trying to scale the wall.

When you say chicken wire is it real fencing or just chicken wire. I only ask because it will not protect chickens from a determined predator.
Thanks for the suggestion!! Yes it is just chicken wire. But it is put under the ground so nothing can dig under and get them, is that ok?
That's awesome. We used the deer netting to keep the chickens out of the garden, and just tied it to the wooden stakes, its still short enough we can just straddle it to get into the garden, so not as tall as yours is. But our chickens are too lazy to try to get over it. LOL The only one that has gotten in the garden is our cheeky white leghorn. And she scaled the wood pile and flew in from there. After having the dog chase her out of there from the outside of the netting, she's never done it again.
That's awesome. We used the deer netting to keep the chickens out of the garden, and just tied it to the wooden stakes, its still short enough we can just straddle it to get into the garden, so not as tall as yours is. But our chickens are too lazy to try to get over it. LOL The only one that has gotten in the garden is our cheeky white leghorn. And she scaled the wood pile and flew in from there. After having the dog chase her out of there from the outside of the netting, she's never done it again.

LOL, Mine girls are anything but lazy!! Lol As soon as the sun rises they are ready to go out in their run! haha
Yeah, we are thankful that ours are, otherwise the garden would be mowed down just like the rest of the yard. We have NOT had to mow or wead eat the back at all, since we got the chickens. Hubby's not complaining though. Its a big job. So they are very nice little helpers.

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