Foamy eyes + voice change

I don’t know how you can force him to dip his head. Just offer it. If your not seeing improvement call the vet back maybe there is something else.
The vet said that if the eye drops don't work, the next step could be to remove his tear channels with an operation. And it totally freaks me out... :/
What? That sounds extreme. Then he’d probably have dry eyes. I don’t know I am not a vet, none of us are but that just sounds extreme. Have you tried using a warm wet cloth and wiping his eyes real good then using the drops.
What? That sounds extreme. Then he’d probably have dry eyes. I don’t know I am not a vet, none of us are but that just sounds extreme. Have you tried using a warm wet cloth and wiping his eyes real good then using the drops.

No, I haven't. At this point, I think it could be too stressful for him to do so. I think if the eye drops don't work at all, I could switch to another vet. That tear channel remove thing sounds terrific.

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