Foleys Waterfowl and Poultry (excellent) !!!!!


10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Been wanting more chicks from them for some time now but really wasn't ready and seen an auction on eggbid so I couldn't resist. Well I won and am now the proud owner of 18 of their Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks that will be added to the other 4 young adults that I have from them already. Needless to say communication was excellent and all the chicks are doing great. I've ordered from basic hatcheries before and always had major losses because they will not ship express. I can't wait untill they are old enough for me to sex although it will be a year before it matters much before culling. Thank you so much Jerry and Rebecca for sharing your beautiful birds!!
I am so jealous... I saw that auction...wanted to bid...just not ready for chicks yet. tongue Congratulations! Would love to see pics of them. They have gorgeous blrw's. I guess now you do to!
Picture of the chicks with some cell mates in the brooder.
I'm fortunate enough to be driving distance from the Foleys (aka Mrs. Turbo). They are a joy to know. I've bought two sets of blr wyandotte chicks from them plus a pair of blue wyandottes. Their blr wyandottes are absolutely fabulous. I feel they are instrumental in improving this breed of wyandotte and not just churning out mutts to make a buck.
awwwww, thanks you guys!!! Well, our email crashed 2 days ago so the communication is on hold for the moment.....LOL but I am always on here.....

Hey, we need to see a bigger picture of that brooder you have there. It looks perfect to house chicks in a shed outside. I am always looking for new stuff for my hubby to build now that the barn is done. Glad the chicks are doing well.
Thanks Rebecca. If I had to do the brooder over I'd do it just a little different. It works great just a couple things I wish I had done. First it would be a little bigger maybe 3W x 2H x 8L and double stacked just like it is now. I'd also leave the bottom oped and use a droppings pan like I had in the last one I built, it made it a whole lot easier to keep clean. I know this since I just cleaned mine again and keeping the chicks out of the way while I scrape and scoop up the droppings is a chore in itself. I'd also make a partition in it so that the heat is more controlled to a certain area of the brooder and they would have a way to get away from the heat if they wanted. I'd probably also add a small computer fan to pull fresh air in and old air out. I posted other pics of it here
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