FOLLOW-UP to water poisoning, 1st one down, dead, in minutes


9 Years
Jan 23, 2011
My bantam flock drank about an hour ago from a tiny yard pond that was defrosting and it was full of gunk, dead leaves and debris. All of a sudden found smallest hen limp on floor of coop. Picked her up and she seized and died. She was fine 20 minutes ago. HELP me please! What do I do to save the others?!!!
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So sorry this happened. What could possibly have been in the water? I wouldn't think dead leaves and practically frozen pond gunk could kill. Is anyone else acting funny? Wish I had some suggestions for you.
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I agree, unless there is some chemical runoff or something in the water it won't hurt them. Our's drink out of some very nasty stuff when free ranging, so I have no idea what it could be.
Are there any others sick or acting funny? And other things you noticed other than her going limp?
Sorry, I can't be more help.
not yet, they all look ok so far, but the little one went fast, she was a japanese bantam so very small
i just fed them some bread to help slow down absorption and i'm going to try a flush with Epsom salts, i'm just guessing here
My chickens drink from puddles when it rains but have never experienced the problem you're having. Maybe something else??? I'm sorry for your loss.
Doesn't sound like blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) because of the temp of the water. Cyanobacteria occurs in very warm, stagnant pools and form a thick scum on the top, from what I just read. Try this site:
and this one:
Hope this info helps. The first one (from Merck) suggests charcoal slurry. Hope everyone else is OK, but that still wouldn't explain what happened to your little one
It's a tiny in-ground plastic lined "pond", maybe five gallons, for a little water garden and after the winter there's no telling what might be accumulated in there, but it is full of leaves and pond water. It does have decaying water plants from last year in it so it could also be botulism.
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