Food and water at bedtime?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
My chicks are about to spend their first night in their coop! Do they need access to food and water in the coop or do they sleep through the night without it like us humans?!
Thanks! Yes, they are out ALL day long and put themselves to bed around 8:30 pm in the XL dog kennel that they have been using while they and I wait patiently for the coop to be completed! I am just concerned that adding food and water to the coop during these warm days just makes an unnecessary mess to clean later... Maybe I'm wrong? I'll see if other people have opinions about it too! Thanks for yours!
they won,t eat or drink at nite but unless you plan on being there at first light they will be hungry and will be looking for food and water, so if you can you might want to have food and water available. If this is their first nite in the coop and you want them to get used to this being their new home most people will leave them in the coop for a few days till they get used to this is where we are safe and get food and water so you will want to have food and water available all the time.


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