Food Taboos?

I have WHAT in my yard? :

Chinese culinary delights are up there on the chart of grossness!

We have this noxious mushroom that grows around here its called stinkhorn and also know as Phallus Impudicus. If you can read that you can tell what the namers thought it looked like. Its truly gross, but this too is considered a delicacy in China (I'd be happy to ship 'em mine!) Or try Kimchi - rotten cabbage! yecch!

You really want a gross one look up monkey brain parties - talk about cruelty to animals!!

So my taboo : I won't eat any animal that is alive when I swallow it. No raw fresh oysters, no live anything!

I have eaten a variety of bugs - but mostly by mistake!

I've eaten kimchi and it wasn't rotten. Very spicy but not rotten. My friends mother was from viet nam and made it every year.​
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Or try Kimchi - rotten cabbage! yecch!

You really want a gross one look up monkey brain parties - talk about cruelty to animals!!

Monkey brains. See my earlier post about squirrel brains.

Kimchi. I'm not sure it is rotten cabbage any more than sauer kraut is rotten cabbage. Kimchi isn't just cabbage, there are a lot of different kinds of kimchi. I spent a year in Korea and had only a few of the many.​
The only things I absolutely would not touch are organ meats of any kind. I am sorry, organs are not food!!!!
I would eat actual meat from any animal including human if it was a situation where it would be necessary, IE, starving to death and they were killed in an accident or starving and I cut of my own leg for food, etc. Oh and celery...I am deathly allergic to celery.
Monkey brains. See my earlier post about squirrel brains.

Kimchi. I'm not sure it is rotten cabbage any more than sauer kraut is rotten cabbage. Kimchi isn't just cabbage, there are a lot of different kinds of kimchi. I spent a year in Korea and had only a few of the many.

Kimchi isn't rotten, just fermented.
I have to add living animals to my list of tabboos. Anything other than a bug, I could NOT eat alive. I watched people eat a large fish(on TV), while the thing was still gasping for air on their plate.

I'm not one to play up the drama, but a living animal thrown on a frying pan, sliced down it's sides, and then laid on your plate while still gasping for air, while you pull forkfulls of meat from it. That's just plain bad! Same thing with the monkey brains, pretty much any animal that is ate alive.

Bugs are different, you can put them in your mouth a kill them. I could do bugs.

i once bit into a lettuce leaf with a caterpiller juiced up in its cocoon rolled up in it and it was like POP SQUIRT EWWW SOUR YUCK i havent eaten lettuce since then
I would never want to eat:
raw fish
brains of any kind

I have eaten:
pig ears including the cartilage
frog legs
This was fun to read!

I'd never eat lobster/shrimp any shellfish b/c I'm deathly allergic to them and it'd kill me!

I could never eat bugs..... ick! My dad has, and says it's not a big deal.

I could never eat any raw meat. Raw meat just grosses me out.

And certainly not any funky things like you find in the South on the grocery store shelves: pigs brains, pickled pigs feet/snout/etc.etc.etc. My mom bought some when she visited me in the South and ate the brains w/ scrambled eggs... a childhood favorite of hers. GROSS!

I've eaten frog legs before, not a big deal, tastes like chicken just a little squeaky.
I'm sure there's more.. but that's all I can think of for now.
This was fun!

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