Food treats for chicks


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
MA/NH border

Anyone know how soon you can give fruits and veggies to chicks? Mine are just a couple of weeks old and I wasn't sure at what point they could have that. We have older hens, but I don't think we ever gave them anything like that until they were moved outside into the coop. Now that we know how much they love melon, grapes and corn, we weren't sure when we could treat the chicks to that stuff.

Mine have been free ranging it under supervision since they were 2 weeks old, so I figured it was ok to give them treats... I gave them potato peels yesterday and they loved it. They also seemed tolike the leftover pancakes this morning - but not grapes, carrots or lettuce... go figure.
They are 4 weeks old now if that helps you decide when to start giving yours treats.
We started giving dry Old Fashioned Oats when we saw that they were also pecking at the river sand we put in their brooder cage. Meal worms and cut up pieces of grapes are fun to watch them eat. I think the grit issue is the most important additive when they start to eat treats.
We were impatient and started feeding tidbits ( and bugs) when they were about 3 weeks old.
I give medicated starter for the first 3 weeks of the little ones lifes. Then I give them (in steps over 5 days) a fifty/fifty of starter and poultry grain. Every once in awhile I will give them minerals and vitamines in low concentrations. I do give them yogurt at 5 weeks for a few days to get thier guts ready for the "nursery". They come out of the brooder whichi is a 3 by 2 clear storage container with a 100 watt light bulb. Every week I increase the distance the light source is to them by a few inches. In the end they are in a 75 degree environment. They get fresh water everyday no matter what. I use small animal bedding and change this when it starts to stink.
I gave mine some grit at 2 weeks and then a tsp of cut up greens. Later I gave a tsp of yogurt. Now I gave them some cooked pumpkin and yogurt mixed they ate it all. I have only 6 right now. They really love the greens best ,no the pumpkin ,no the yogurt. Well, you get the idea they love everything i give them. I believe they do better with a bit of different things so that when they get bigger they will know what it is.
I have two Brahma that I did not have when they were tiny and they are afraid of anything new and shy away from it. Jean
Mine loved to eat the plums when they were in season, ripe and falling from the trees. They could hardly get enough but I had to squeeze out the guts for them, they would not just eat them off the ground themselves. My babies are so spoiled!
Perfect! Thank you all. I'll be headed down stairs with a handful of grapes in a few minutes! They're just so darn cute, I can't wait to spoil them a little.

You should only give them cooked potato as far as I know.

Its ok to give little treats to chicks, but remember they have really tiny tummies, so don't fill em up on "junk" food. not really JUNK but not complete balanced diet - they need to be eating their chick starter.
Duly noted, Wildsky! They've got open access to their chick starter mash and water. I'm the junk food police with all the kids and animals around here so I promise just a little treat. They're just so darn cute!!!

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