

Nov 23, 2021
So i have chicks and ducks right now I’ve been feeding them all organic non medicated chick crumble and have been supplementing the ducklings. The problem is that I ran out of crumble the new crumble is coming Tuesday so I have the entire Monday without food. There is no way for me to get more crumble until Tuesday so i need to feed other things what are some other things I can feed 2 baby ducks? They are 5 days old. My chicks are almost 6 weeks so I can let them free range for a few hours supervised to get them some food. but i still need other food :( any suggestions?
You could try dried dog food and make it into mash --soupy with warm water. Also, for 24 hours, steel cut oats might be paletable to the ducklings. You will need to put nutridrench int heir water while they are not gettign proper nutrition and for a few days afterwards

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