~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

"Naw she's fine, just being terdy.", Gary said plucking Lavvy from Sary's head, then almost tackling her in a hug. "Heh, glad you're here."
Sary pretty much melted into the hug, oblivious to everything else.
She didn't want to pull away, but she also knew that if she didn't, it'd soon exceed the protocol safe period of none-awkwardness.
"You smell good," she told him, point-blank, then booped his nose.
Kate grinned at the dramatic entrance. They needed someone to be the center of attention to pull them all out of their awkward shell. She thought this and then hid her smile behind the paper coffee cup, taking a careful sip to test the temperature. It was weird to finally meet them all, but also normal. It was going pretty much exactly how she expected. Time to pretend you're not at all awkward in real life.

Kate pulled her phone out and called @MysticChocobo to tell her to get her butt over here already. Then hung up before she could say anything.

"I won't be needing a gun." She said raising her hand. "I'll just threaten to throw my attack rooster at them." Kate pointed to the orange and black bantam roo on her shoulder, that wasn't there 2 seconds ago. "His name is Blade by the way, and he's learned simple commands like 'up' and 'come here'." She realized she was bragging about her little boy a little too much but she didn't care. He was adorable and was being a good boy watching the 3 cats nervously from his perch.
Mystic fell out of her bed at the startling vibrating of her phone. She sat up and shoved her messy hair aside and squinted her dry eyes at her phone. It took her a moment to realize that it wasnt a discord call, it was someone actually calling her on her phone, from another phone. She hit accept wondering who it could be and an angry but familiar voice rang through her room, yelling at her to come over to her house then hung up.
She looked at the date on her phone and threw the sheets aside, spewing something from her mouth that slightly sounded like sheet. She quickly got dressed, packed and ran out of her house, the cold air filling her lungs as she ran down the street to get to Kates house.
Sary pretty much melted into the hug, oblivious to everything else.
She didn't want to pull away, but she also knew that if she didn't, it'd soon exceed the protocol safe period of none-awkwardness.
"You smell good," she told him, point-blank, then booped his nose.
this was me
on saturday
when i met up with knight and silver again for silvers birthday
knight had his hand on my head and like patted me
i melted
Sary pretty much melted into the hug, oblivious to everything else.
She didn't want to pull away, but she also knew that if she didn't, it'd soon exceed the protocol safe period of none-awkwardness.
"You smell good," she told him, point-blank, then booped his nose.
"Uh, well thank you.", Gary chuckled appreciating the nose boop. "I see Lavvy has already been acquainted with the legendary Peep" Lavender tried to Fly back over to Sary to attack the blue bantam but Gary held her back.
Mystic fell out of her bed at the startling vibrating of her phone. She sat up and shoved her messy hair aside and squinted her dry eyes at her phone. It took her a moment to realize that it wasnt a discord call, it was someone actually calling her on her phone, from another phone. She hit accept wondering who it could be and an angry but familiar voice rang through her room, yelling at her to come over to her house then hung up.
She looked at the date on her phone and threw the sheets aside, spewing something from her mouth that slightly sounded like sheet. She quickly got dressed, packed and ran out of her house, the cold air filling her lungs as she ran down the street to get to Kates house.
(hehehe, I can work with this.)
When she finally did arrive at Kate's house Mr. Boy opened the door screeching children running rampant in the back ground.

"She's not here. She went to "The warehouse". What ever that means. He then handed her a nintendo switch and told her she could keep it permanently.
"Uh, well thank you.", Gary chuckled appreciating the nose boop. "I see Lavvy has already been acquainted with the legendary Peep" Lavender tried to Fly back over to Sary to attack the blue bantam but Gary held her back.
Sary laughed off the encroaching redness her face wanted to invite and busied herself with stuffing Peep back further down into her pocket. "Yeah, guess she knows a contender for her titles when she sees one." Sary pursed her lips when she realized she actually couldn't put a name to those titles. "...mhmm, Lav's many titles...which are...."
"Oh but this is no sailboat, ms cheese" fluff began, being very expressive with her hands, going so far as to pretend she was using sign language (since she hasnt the slightest clue how sign language works) for double emphasis. "This things got like,, a MOTOR and things,, you know?? at that its an INBOARD MOTOR, and, growing up in Seattle around people who know boats, inboard motors are not fun to deal with. let alone one hooked onto a vessel as big as a yacht. Hey whats the square footage on this thing anyway? How many feet bow to stern?? You know boat lingo? i know boat lingo. im your man."
"Well, I can drive a car," Bri countered. "Just steer the ship from point A to point B. Or you could drive it. Oh I don't know how big exactly, but it's big. When we get on we'll find a ruler and you can measure it if you want to."
Sary laughed off the encroaching redness her face wanted to invite and busied herself with stuffing Peep back further down into her pocket. "Yeah, guess she knows a contender for her titles when she sees one." Sary pursed her lips when she realized she actually couldn't put a name to those titles. "...mhmm, Lav's many titles...which are...."
The wind began to pick up, the scent of dandelions blew threw the air. "Wholesomest among birds, is her official one." The wind immediately stopped, and the dandelion scent vanished. "I mostly just call her LaverDaver heh"
The wind began to pick up, the scent of dandelions blew threw the air. "Wholesomest among birds, is her official one." The wind immediately stopped, and the dandelion scent vanished. "I mostly just call her LaverDaver heh"
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Sary shivered in appropriate reverence. "Don't undermine her, man. Don't think it's safe."
Her lone arched eyebrow returned when Abri came a-boppin'. "Wait, is it really bedtime already?" she asked no one in particular. "Wasn't...I...just...eating...cereal?" Her hand turned to point at herself as if by its own will. "...or am I really not that okay."

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