~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)



Spicy Sugar Cookie
7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
The moon
A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

So, I bet you all want to know what you're doing here, huh? Well, buckle up, buttercup.

Welcome to The Island of the Golden Fools. Or, get ready to end up there.
Name's Abriana and here's the deal. We're a group of criminals and the world doesn't really accept that. I've came up with a solution. There's a big cruise ship leaving the main land on April 1st to a small island in the middle of the sea, named The Island of the Golden Fools. I've sent you this letter to tell you that it's time to meet again.
Meet me at the abandoned warehouse on Swan Street tonight and we'll come up with a game plan.
It's time to bail, boys and girls.

In 2018 this group of criminals with a friendly alliance came up with this bucket list. So grab your hammocks and your cruise ship ticket (haha just kidding, we're hijacking it, remember?).


So me and RiverStorm came up this idea based on our crazy friend group. You're welcome to join us on this adventure-- If you dare.

Here's the form to join (1 form/member please!):
Packing list:

Member Page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/fools-gold-role-play-member-page.75486/

Chat Thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/fools-gold-a-daring-role-play-chat-thread.1345951/

So? What're we waiting for? Let's go.

Tagging a couple of the Fools Golders--
@AMERAUCANAS4REAL @ChickenCowboy02 @DiamondSwan @Fanci Feathers Marans @Flufferes @FrankieDoodle @HuffleClaw @HeavensHens88 @MagpieDucks @MissNutmeg @MysticChocobo @PeepersMama @Rose Quartz @Thing2LovesChickens @vachick15 @RoostersAreAwesome @TelfTheElf
@LittleBrownie @TamingMaster

This is not a serious RP! Just have fun!
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Name: Sarah
Appearance: 16, 5'5.5", 111 lbs (((obviously 222))). Dark blue eyes with jagged hazel rings around the pupils. Big nubian nose, untamed eyebrows, halfhearted freckles, chubby cheeks, and an ostentatious birth mark on her chin. Has mild, yet PERSISTENT, rosacea on areas of her forehead and nose (like we really needed to make the nose more prominent, God.) All of this is set into a perpetual, searing RBeefF that regards people with the most bizarre expressions.
Unevenly toned pale skin that burns and nothing short of it. Butt-length, t h i c k reblgonette hair that's constantly shedding due to a Mom-proclaimed """vitamin deficiency.""" Likes to tell herself she's got a decent set of muscles for arms, but that's probably a lie too. Annoyingly existent butt and hips, but maybe she could be called "kind of skinny"???? Huge feet, yet she's this short.
Always in well-worn jeans, no matter the season, day, or time. The shirt depends, but there's a good chance it's either a dark plaid flannel or wolf tee. If school's out, she's got a ball cap on backwards. The Hair™'s usually down and in disrepair or back in a messy volcano ponytail. Her abused sneakers are likely losing their soles...if she's even wearing any.
Personality: If you hurt her friends, she'll hurt you. Plain and simple and that's really all you need to know, right?
She really wishes there were less restrictions on physical confrontations nowadays. Settling things with words, however eloquent, isn't nearly as conclusive a good ol' brawl. Taking that view into account, she will still punch/slap/pinch/poke//headbutt/elbow/knee/kick/trip any innocent party for no good reason. Don't take it personally, she's just been tame for too long.
Extremely impulsive and aggressively independent. Does not accept help from anyone. Pathetically lacking sense of humor. Has a mind and stomach of steel; not much unsettles her. Therefore, she loves to freak people out. A large majority of humanity just plain disgusts her and if you know her face, you'll know when she's done with you. One of her biggest pet peeves are egomaniacs that forget there are other people in the world. She makes sure never to commend herself just to ascertain she never becomes one of them. She's a serial liar when it comes to adults (especially a certain parental unit), but is honestly working on her honesty. But she's still so trained that she can stand without a nervous twitch of any kind, face casual, eyes meeting her victim's, and lie right to their face. In a crisis, her emotions shut down and she becomes eerily calm, functioning near robotically. Bold enough that she's the unanimous go-to among her friend group for adult or foreign individual addressing.
Speaking of friend group, she swears she doesn't have one. Everyone's a disposable "acquaintance"...except for the rare few she connected with on a certain poultry forum.
If she makes you a promise, she'll do her absolute best to follow through despite the spotty mind she has to war with. Her attention's everywhere and nowhere at once and has advanced far beyond master procrastinator; likely has undiagnosed ADHD. She also contracted Lyme disease a few summers back and her short-term memory has suffered significantly from it. Dabbles in reading, writing, arting, public speaking, vet/environmental sciencing, singing, running, vaulting, archery, fishing, tree climbing, frisbeeing, and kayaking- jack of all trades, but master of none.
Packing list (all of which is stuffed in her elementary-sized wolf-head backpack):
  1. Peep, her blue bantam hen of scrambled heritage.
  2. Deceased purple furby.
  3. Jay's wing necklace.
  4. Pocket dictionary.
  5. A disabled pen that she disassembled and lost the spring in the process.
  6. Frisbee.
  7. 8 cans of olives.
  8. Weird, doubled-edged, serrated knife that she found in somebody's kitchen and went clepto for.
Other: Says "literally", "spicy", and "terd" a lot and literally calls everyone "dude," "bro," "man," or "pup." Frequently emits accurate sound effects. Nearsighted and needs glasses badly. Don't call her short - only she can condemn herself with that.
Wanted for the attempted assassinations of small children and a certain green parrot.
Username: HeathensHens88
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(*sigh* well, worth a shot. Idk if I'll stay XD)

Name: Kyndra
Appearance: 15, a pitiful 5'3 1/2 tall, 112 pounds give or take. A literal mane of shoulder-length ginger hair, that is only tamed when she has hairspray. Due to this, it's almost always in a ponytail or bun. Light blonde eyebrows and blue-gray eyes that change shades constantly. Pale skin that is literally covered in freckles. A skinny stature and doesn't look like she'd be strong at all but she can lift quite heavy items due to working at the local horse barn, and volutenteers for the duty of stacking haybales, and can pack a vicious punch if she would need to.
A black Imgine Dragons Beliver Sweatshirt and gray leggings. Sneakers or boots or her go to shoes. And red-rimmed bifocal glasses because she has incredibly poor sight.
Personality: Chaotic. She cannot sit still unless something has really captured her attention or she's writing. She is loud and won't shut up. Ever. Has positively no filter, and will speak her mind no matter what.
Despite this, she's actually a very good listener. Brutally honest and not afraid to tell people what they need to do. If you ask, why lie? Speaking of lying, she can't. When it comes to her friends, she cannot lie to save her life. Parental figures are other story, however.
She's constantly the life of everything and anything with a fairly positive outlook on things, though she can be very philosophical at the oddest of times. She doesn't quite understand how she has so many friends in both real life and online, but she is grateful for them, and if anybody tries to trash-talk or hurt them, somebody is going to get hurt, there is no doubt about it. She is loyal to the end when it comes to her friends, and is a very trustworthy person, and she'd like to think of it as her best quality, for if you tell her a secret, she will take it to the grave.
Ballet, tap and hip-hop dancer, equestrian, and writer. Dabbles in photography quite often, not that she's good at it, but she enjoys it. And astrology, most will laugh it off but she doesn't. Adores animals, music, reading and every single one of her friends.
Packing list:
1. Kizmit and Nova, her cats.
2. Some sort of chocolate. Always.
3. Pocket knife.
4. Headphones and MP3 player.
5. 2 notebooks. Why two? No one knows. She just has 'em.
6. 8 assorted pens and pencils.
7. Water bottle.
8. A sapphire colored neckless.
Other: Runs on very little sleep. Not that she's an insomniac or anything like that, but her inability to sit still often causes her stay stay awake for countless hours of the night, reading, writing or literally anything that keeps her occupied. Will not stop until she has done something to her absolute best. Screwed it up? She'll keep trying until its perfect, or as close to perfect as she can possibly get it. She uses the word "like" to the extent that people will literally tell her to stop, but it's a subconscious thing in replacement for "um". And constantly uses literally at any given chance.
Wanted for thievery and multiple attempted murders.
Username: Cluckcluck1215
Name: Gary
Appearance: Medium-length brown hair, 5' 9", wears a MCR Danger Days sweatshirt, with a plain tshirt and jeans most of the time.
Personality: Painfully socially awkward, has the attention span of a fly, dark humor, unstable, rarely laughs or smiles (he finds stuff funny and the like, just rarely shows it), he does laugh at his own jokes however... maybe too much.
Packing list:
1. A dagger he forged
2. A notebook and pen
3. Two Porcelain d'Uccles, Lilac and Lavender
Username: KickenChowboi
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Name: fluff
Appearance: short
teenager unfortunately,
i still dont know what color my eyes are,
and in this particular time and place due to the small amount of restraints in the nature of role playing, i shall be sporting a my chemical romance t-shirt with a thin black flannel and a nice humble pair of black jeans. im wearing a hat that has the logo of an undisclosed eastern washington apple farm on it. oh and i have these glasses

Personality: bold of you to assume i know who i am
cringey for sure and thats about it
Packing list: ive got my jansport backpack filled with the essentials:
- sketchbook that is actually just a college ruled notebook
- cheap pencils
- android phone
- fruit snacks
- random bad memories that pop up while im having a good time
- more fruit snacks except its a different brand, these ones are organic and not as good but i just took them out of the pantry anyway because i like fruit snacks
- free time
- feathers
- water purifier
- wilderness survival guide book
- pocket knife
Other: i ate a wifi router and absorbed its powers so everyone near me can connect to my wifi network, its titled Mayonnaise and the password is yeehaw413
Username: @Flufferes
Name:Gail(pls don't call her Abbie;^;)
Appearance: tol child. Like 5'10" or.something. Is asian but has blue eyes and reddish hair to like. Immediately below the boob line. All the asian has given her is an acute baby face. Did not receive the lack of leg hair or the sunburn resistance. Probly can't tell she's asian until she tells you. Is very fidgety and will hunch into herself when she is uncomfortable(so like whenever she meets new people or thinks she messed up). Likes fun earrings and sometimes wears makeup. Like once a month maybe. Loves boots and super high heels, and is really good at doing stuff in them like sprinting and stuff. Pretty athletic. Not like buff or anything, but definitely in shape. She's a sixteen year old senior and she either gets mistaken for a freshman or a college senior. There is no in between. She's smart but hates school with a vengeance.
Personality: shy and scared and a strange mix of perfectionist and nihilistic. Loves animals and hates seeing them mistreated- one of the only times she will willingly initiate confrontation is when she sees someone buying a common pleco for their 10 gallon tank and the like. She over apologizes and is eager to please. She loves star wars and marvel but is afraid to mention it because these fandoms get kind of vicious if your theories don't align. Working with animals(especially aquatic ones) really calms her. Cries easily, but doesn't laugh easily. If you do get her laughing she will not stop.
Packing list:
Snapples and juice(she is a c h i l d)
A phone with many streaming services on her parents account(they are tech illiterate and do not know she is on there)
Cheetos and sun chips
A stuffed platypus and a fuzzy blanket and a hammock
Library cards from like 7 different states. She feels like a counterfeiter.
Tylenol, ibuprofen, nyquil, dayquil... she makes up for being the baby of all of her friend groups by toting around all sorta of useful medical supplies
B o o k
Debit card linked to like every billionaires bank account(more on that later)
Other: she is incapable of being sleep deprived. Less than 9 hours? Grumpy. Less than 8? Dead. Less than 7? Barely functioning, in a delirious state. She a child.
She's on the run for conducting robberies and arson at pharmaceutical companies, big box pet stores, and for kidnapping billionaires and brainwashing them into donating all of their nonessential money to people who actually need it.(they don't know about that last one yet tho. She be a science nerd and when she's interested in something she will learn e v e r y t h I n g)
Username: stabby gem
A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

So, I bet you all want to know what you're doing here, huh? Well, buckle up, buttercup.

Welcome to The Island of the Golden Fools. Or, get ready to end up there.
Name's Abriana and here's the deal. We're a group of criminals and the world doesn't really accept that. I've came up with a solution. There's a big cruise ship leaving the main land on April 1st to a small island in the middle of the sea, named The Island of the Golden Fools. I've sent you this letter to tell you that it's time to meet again.
Meet me at the abandoned warehouse on Swan Street tonight and we'll come up with a game plan.
It's time to bail, boys and girls.

In 2018 this group of criminals with a friendly alliance came up with this bucket list. So grab your hammocks and your cruise ship ticket (haha just kidding, we're hijacking it, remember?).

View attachment 2007570

So me and RiverStorm came up this idea based on our crazy friend group. You're welcome to join us on this adventure-- If you dare.

Here's the form to join (1 form/member please!):
Packing list:

Member Page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/fools-gold-role-play-member-page.75486/

Chat Thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/fools-gold-a-daring-role-play-chat-thread.1345951/

So? What're we waiting for? Let's go.

Tagging a couple of the Fools Golders--
@AMERAUCANAS4REAL @ChickenCowboy02 @DiamondSwan @Fanci Feathers Marans @Flufferes @FrankieDoodle @HuffleClaw @HeavensHens88 @MagpieDucks @MissNutmeg @MysticChocobo @PeepersMama @Rose Quartz @Thing2LovesChickens @vachick15 @RoostersAreAwesome @TelfTheElf
@LittleBrownie @TamingMaster

This is not a serious RP! Just have fun!
Name: Mystic
Appearance: 5'4, 15 yr but seems 18, 100 lbs, waist-length dirty blonde hair, very pale skin, dark bags under her eyes, very simple pair of black glasses, dark, but not too dark, blue eyes. FFXIV: Shadowbringers T-shirt with a gray hoodie on top, dark navy jeans, and heeled black half-boots, Celtic knot necklace and earrings. Visibly short and underweight but can kick butt.
Personality: ENFP, but also Tsundere
Packing list: Stress ball, cell phone, headphones, multiple canisters of pepper spray
Other: Weeb. Wanted for infiltrating Elon Musk's secret operation to create catgirls to make him create catboys first, which failed, but she retained all the information about the project.
Username: @CatboyLover
Bri cackled a bit evilly as she dashed up to the warehouse. It was big, looming, and empty--the perfect place for a bunch of society-hating criminals in a friendly alliance. As she was not actually an evil person, Bri laughed again, a normal laugh, at herself, and then climbed through a window, landing with a crunch on broken glass. She zoomed through the warehouse, her backpack full of "necessities" jostling around as she made her way to the main room. She pulled out her enormous notebook and began scribbling notes furiously. She glanced around and spotted a big rope hanging from the crazy tall ceilings with a loop in the end. She settled herself like she was in a tree swing and kept on writing, calculating dates and times as well as notes for the meeting. When she was done she put her stuff down and started pumping her legs, swinging higher and higher, waiting for everyone to arrive.
"Garthgarthgarthgarthgarthgarthgarth," Sary chanted crazily upon seeing who had assaulted her with a dap. "I was gonna hug you, but..." She arched an eyebrow as Lavender started antagonizing Peep in her pocket. "I think Lav's telling me you feel otherwise."
“I ship it!” Amer blurted the first thing that came to her head. She then what she always did and sought the anonymity of hiding behind Shiloh’s gorgeous mug.

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