for a pet is it better to get one or two duckling?

I would suggest 2 females because 1 male may need more than 1 female, and 2 males *may* (I'm not sure) fight. That said, you requested less noise because you live in a neighborhood, so I'd suggest Muscovies. Both males and females barely make anything above a whisper-because girlies don't quack like the other ducks. And they're very friendly.
I would suggest 2 females because 1 male may need more than 1 female, and 2 males *may* (I'm not sure) fight. That said, you requested less noise because you live in a neighborhood, so I'd suggest Muscovies. Both males and females barely make anything above a whisper-because girlies don't quack like the other ducks. And they're very friendly.

X2 for the Muscovy vote ...and get 2 . It's not fair to the duck to leave a duck single b/c they are flock animals and do MUCH better in numbers. 2 females are good. 1 drake/1 duck could be rough on the duck as muscovy drakes boys extradinaires! lol
It seems like more people have pekins for house pets rather than scovy's. Are they better for that kind of environment than muscovy's? I rather a pekin than a muscovy from things i've read about them. I want a male though cuz they're quieter. If I don't have any females will 2 males be ok if raised together?
The pekins will still make noise ,just less of it. Males will probably fight and males without females can become quite ...craaaazy and go after family members,friends and strangers too.That's MY experience anyway.
Males may not fight if females are not present, but don't take my word on that. No ducks should really be a better 'housepet' than another...there aren't exactly 'house specific' ducks.
I have not dealt with Pekins, though from what I hear, they're friendly but loud (The girls anyway). I do, however, own 'Scovies and can speak for the females' personalities. Both of mine are very friendly, eat from my hand, and are very calm. And as I said, Muscovies don't quack.
I always suggest to folks that they get at least 3 since they seem happier in a trio than they do a pair. However, if you only have room for 2 then it's waaaaay preferable to one lonely little duck (and boy, do I mean lonely and sad).
I usually suggest 3 as well...Case in point; I bought 3 day-old chicken-chicks last year. 1 died within the first 4 days-she was just weak. 1 of the remianing two was eaten by a 'coon a few months later. Remaining girl is still with me but boy did she have a miserable chickhood.

Under the right circumstances, the 2 chick thing can still work. My 'Scovies (2) grew up happy and healthy. One year I raised only 2 chicks and they did fine. Just have to keep 'em safe and hope for the best.
Please, please, please get 2 minimum.

I bought the last duckling at a market years ago, I'd have never bought just one but the poor duckling looked utterly miserable. Well he decided I was his momma and I couldn't go anywhere without him screaming the place down. I even had to take him to the bathroom with me. That was not cute and defiantly not fun after the first day or so. My parents were not pleased with my new pet at all!

I spent a week at home with him glued to me before I managed to track down another duckling. I was so glad I did. He still loved me, so did his friend and they would both follow me around everywhere if aloud but I could put them in their brooder and do things without listening to a distressed duckling screaming for me. When they got older and went outside they still followed me around and were very friendly. They turned out to be a pair and the male was somewhat aggressive in the breeding season once he matured. He was extremely aggressive towards his sons, even with a fence between them.

If you have a choice, get females. Males can fight terribly and if there are no females and they are imprinted on you, they may decide you are the object of their 'intentions'. If you need quite ducks go with the Mussies. That's what I'll be getting in spring.

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