For Fun...Incubator Hatching Rates Poll...How Many...


12 Years
Nov 1, 2007
eggs did you set for your last hatch?
How many of the set eggs developed?
How many of the developed eggs successfully hatched?
Were the eggs yours or shipped?
What was the breed?
What type of incubator were you using?
What was your humity set at?

I will go first...

16 set
15 developed
11 hatched (69% hatch rate overall)
The eggs were mine
OEG BB Red and Silver duckwing bantams
Little Giant Forced Air for incubation and Little Giant Still Air for hatching
First 18 days, humidity 45-50%. Last 3 days 65-70%

A few of the chicks were sticky and a few never pipped. I think I needed more humidity.
9 set
9 developed
9 hatched
9 lived
The eggs were mine
Millie Fluer D'Uccle
Little Giant Forced air for incubation and hatching.
First 18 days Humidity 45 to 50 %
Last 65 to 75%.
21 set
14 developed
11 hatched (51% hatch rate overall)
The eggs were shipped Monday and received Thursday and weather was in the teens and snowing.
Ameraucanas and blue orpingtons
Hova-bator Forced Air
First 18 days, humidity 45-50%. Last 3 days 65-70%
16 set
13 developed
12 hatched
12 lived
Buff Orpingtons
Homemade bator
45% humidity 18 days
65% humidity last 3..
13 eggs set for last hatch
12 set eggs that developed
12 successfully hatched
My birds'
Cochin Bantam (white)
This was a natural incubation using their own mother hen
Well.. sounds like you guys all had terrific hatches.

I almost didn't want to put this, but I'm sure I'm not the only one..

Last hatch:

16 eggs set
3 eggs attempted to grow
1 egg made it to the end, then didn't hatch.

Variety of reasons for my crappy hatch last time. Spent 7 days enroute during freezing weather (and in holiday shipping rush). I candled too much, wonky temps, and probably not enough ventilation.

That was last time. This time is going much better!

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I put 1 egg in the bator each day for 3 days in a row and had 3 to hatch! Does that mean I had 3 100% hatches
????? My sister said," NO,I'm not going to let you count it as 3 hatches!"
Anyway they were my own eggs that went straight from breeder pin to bator. Hova-bator, 98.8-100, humitity 40-55 first 18 days then 70's 19-21.
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9 set
7 developed
2 hatched
2 lived
Blackcopper Marans

ExoTerra 1st week, then when it died we transfered the eggs to a serving tray lined with towels that I use to keep food warm durring house parties.

25-48% humidity in the warming tray up to day 18
50-89% humidity last 2 days.

Durring the day when we could chech the warming tray every 30 min - 2 hours the tempurature stayed between 94-106 deg F. In the morning we found the tempurature as low as 78 deg (the knob got turned too low and hadn't heated all night) and as high as 110 deg F.

5 of the eggs were from a 11 month old pullet and 4 eggs from a 6 month pullet (the first eggs she layed). All the eggs were less than 10 days old. The 2 that hatched were 6 days and 7 days old from the 11 month old pullet.

Note: Our penultimate hatch with the ExoTerra actaully working all the way through was 15 Marans eggs for a farm 40 miles away that we picked up, 13 developed, 10 hatched.
4 lemon cukoo orps set
6 muscovy's set
2 lco developed
4 muscovy
0 hatched
homemade bator
didn't have a clue what i was
40% humidity first 18 days
65% last 3
they died around day 10 when I had a major spike.

This hatch is going much better and I'm actually hearing peeping
A newbie does not need to hatch dark eggs the first time..

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