For KENTUCKY residents only!


Still chillin' with my peeps
Mar 13, 2008
East South Central (West KY)
please note: *I've asked the BYC Forum Staff if it is okay to post this, and they said I could. As long as the discussion remains civil and doesn't turn into a debate about the pros and cons or morality of cockfighting, then they will let the thread continue."*

(Actually, I'd prefer that there not be any comments so as not to encourage any negative posts -- the purpose of this post is to make Kentucky residents aware of some upcoming legislation, nothing more.
Kentucky has some of the weakest animal protection laws in the United States, and IMHO this is a small step in the right direction.) Here goes:

H. B. 169 strengthens the law concerning the penalties for cockfighting. Currently it is classified as a misdemeanor; under the proposed legislation it would be classified as a felony. You can contact your representative directly, or you can call in with your comments to this number: 1 800 372 7181 .

Thank you for your time. I ask that you fellow Kentuckians please take the time to contact your representative and weigh in on this matter.
You said no comments, but I'm afraid this won't continue being viewed and passed along. So I'm biting my tongue respectfully and moving this post up. I now live in IN, but wish my voice could be heard...
i am gonna post anyway! Since i don't live in kentucky, this won't affect me. I think it's a step in the right direction! OK, i'm done................
I know what you mean in your sig line... ordinarily I love snow, and I love to WATCH it snow, but I'm sick of mud. Even frozen ground is better than slogging through the boot-sucking mud on my way from the house to the chicken coop...
Waiting for the ground to dry up so I can get a couple of big loads of sand delivered...
Will the folks breaking the law now stop because the penalties will be greater? Is the misdemeanor law enforced now? Will the felony law be enforced any differently than it is now?
if the law has no teeth, the activity will never stop. when law enforcement people start taking the law seriously and enforce the law as they wered hired and agreed by oath to do, maybe it can make a difference. Will it stop completely? probably not. will the law be enforced differently from the way it is now? I certainly hope so. I started to say one can only hope, but we can do more than hope. We can express our feelings to our senators and representatives at every opportunity, work at information booths at county or state fairs, and whatever other outlets we can find to make sure all animals are treated humanely and with respect.

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