For my birthday .. DH bought me ....

I got one for Christmas too! I cannot wait to use mine either.... of course I have to get some eggs first.
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For my birthday (yesterday) my DH didn't buy me anything. He didn't wish me a Happy B-day. He didn't even remember I have a birthday! After 15 years together and 10 years of marriage, I'm thinking maybe I'll let him live, but his life is going to be pure you-know-what for the next few days!
Texasgal, I'm still getting eggs....I have some welsummers, pure mahogany RIR's (non production) and white leghorns laying very well now..... I could also get you a few buff orpingtons in there if you needed. My BCM's are now moulting and the Barred Rocks. and the Speckled Sussex.... This spring we'll be having some wheatan marans and some BBS orpingtons, olive eggers and BBS ameracaunas as well as turkeys, geese and ducks...

Sjisty,,, I'm sorry I'm about that hubby...

Happy New Year to all.
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I have CBM in blue/black, and just black copper, my Lav Orp Project flock has just started to lay... WOOT! and I am getting a few olive egger eggs, (blue plumage, pea comb and beard guaranteed) Ameraucana crossed on black marans that lay decent to better than decent marans color eggs. A couple mottled javas are laying too. Fertility is good in all pens right now, surprisingly enough...

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