For people wanting to make cookie "Gifts in a Jar" I found my book!

Thank you soooo much for posting these! You dont know how much its appreciated, this will take care of a lot of gifts for individuals that I couldnt figure out what to get!
No problem, y'all, hope everyone enjoys their homemade gifts!

* A tip in the book says to really pack the ingredients in tight for each layer, it may seem like it all won't fit unless it is packed tight.
here is my gifts in a jar..

i could'nt find any tall jars when i put the flower on top of the M M's they disappeared..

the next one i make im goint to push the M M's to the frount of the jar..i think that might work better.

All of the things That I have seen here are wonderful.
I think I enjoyed this holiday season more making gifts, than buying them. I have a feeling the recipients will enjoy them more too.

Every once in a while the thought slips through my mind that this financial down turn may help me appreciate what I really have a bit more. I am trying to enjoy the now, and be grateful for what we have at this moment. The future is really scary, but all of us seem to pull together and bring out our good ideas and share them without hesitation.
You all are good people. That is what makes this site successful. We help each other be successful.

Thank you Robin'sBrood for taking the time to share these ideas and recipes with us!
I wound up not making the gift jars this year after all. With our kitchen being under construction, and never knowing when something was going to get done, it was just easier to get the kids little $5 gifts. But this week I did make cookies, pies & breads for my adult relatives' gifts.
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HERE ARE MY GIFTS IN A JAR I MADE country six bean soup,homemade hot cocoa mix, grand slam triple cho. ,
chocolate chip, chocolate chip and pecan, and oatmeal raisian

i think the bean soup one came out the absoulte best
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