For those of you with goats

Does raw milk last in the refrigerator as long as milk from the store?

My trip to get my goats has fallen through. The farm now has none available.
I just emailed a lady near me that has Alpines. Hopefully I find me some goats.
I drink raw milk and was told that it keeps 8-10 days. Which is less time that store - pasteurized milk.

Love it raw!

Good luck with your goats. I have full sized dairy goats and get a lot of milk even though 2 girls are at the end of their cycles.

Southern28chick, hope you find the perfect set of goats. (NOW)

Been there when I was buying mine - couldn't wait!
another dumb question from me....but...does a doe have to have been pregnent to have milk...i have a doe, african pygmy(dont even know if their milk is any good to drink)..but i dont want to breed her or anything, but i'd like some milk...cant you just give them a hormone shot or something to make them lactate? of the things i come up with...Wendy
I have heard that it is possible, probably not the healthiest thing for the goat though. I was told that the best way is to get them bred and let nature take its course.

A lot of people like bottle babies (as pets), and I would think that kids are pretty easy to sell. - you get your money back on the doe.

Its a 5 month pregnancy. Usually 2 -3 babies, possibly - rare 4.

I have a cow that was given (I beleive) too much superovulating stuff so that she would be able to be flushed and then we'd plant the babies in surrogate mamas. She took a long time in regaining her cycling. Her baby is now 3, and she has not bred back although she is in with bulls. She is going to the sale barn. So science can screw up your animal. (not that I'd never flush a cow again, but it can screw up your animal.)
A goat is like any other mammal, we have to get pregnant to start producing milk. Even if there's a special shot to make them produce milk...that's cruel and unnatural.
lol..okay....i missed that day on the birds and the bees in health class..back in the 80's...(i gotta go study up on it i guess)...they should really require some people(me) take an IQ TEST before being allowed to own animals!..Wendy
i was just joking.(hope noone took me seriously..).lol..;o) i want milk from her..i have to breed her?...ooh boy..dont think i'm up for cat had kittens last year, and i was a wreck! well..thanks ..Wendy
I found a breeder in Durham!!!! Only 30-40 minutes away!!!!

I emailed her to see what she has available.

She breeds Pygmy goats. I know they have tiny teats, are they good for milking? Her website shows her milking them and she says they're great for milking but I've always heard they aren't good for milking.

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