For those that are interested... thought I would share...

It's taken me a few years to get where I'm at, but I'm hoping that this spring will be the last of my roofin' days. This past year the business was sustainable enough for me to quit my "real" job.

I'm not in debt and have bills like everyone else... with money to reinvest so it's working so far. I'm not 100% confident but I think after this Spring I will be. I was worried about this winter and so far I have been blowing through eggs. I still have this month and next for me to make a decision on what I'm going to do. But i really want a tractor and a hoop house... so... I guess that will decide how much longer I work.
Thanks for the wine article also..and thanks for answering all of our questions. what eggs are you selling?
Good for you, young man! You should feel very proud!

Thanks for sharing with us!

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