For those with Show Dogs

Wow! That is amazing. I'm always telling her about my chicken forum, it will surprise her to hear you are on it as well. What kind of dogs do you have?
Congrats! A friend just finished Bo, her Irish Setter, he is from the Rusticwoods line, Coprfyld is his kennel name, darned if I can remember anything other than his call name though!

Again, congrats! My English Cocker may go to her first show in November - we will see...LOL - I do not want to do the wrap on the ears thing!

He has one litter already, they were born about eight months ago and are just starting their show careers. The breeder lives pretty far away so I never really get to see the puppies unless we meet up at a show. There are a couple other people interested in him that were waiting for him to hopefully there will be a few more Liam kids in the world. I'll be getting one of his daughters next spring.

I tried wrapping his ears, but they are so long that one of the wraps would always fling itself across the room as soon as he shook his head. So we gave up with that.

may not seem like much to some people but darn, blood, sweat and tears is what it is. i am a professional groomer and i *know* just the grooming alone, keeping an active dog in show coat is no small task.

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