Foraging - The Human Version


Peace, Love & Chickens ✌️
Mar 22, 2020
Southeastern Pennsylvania
So I am just curious if anyone else forages for food in the northeastern/eastern part of the US, or any part for that matter?
This year while my husband fishes I have decided my son and I will forage for goodies to bring home. I am looking for advice on how others started or really great, truly worthwhile book purchase I will use all the time, not just buy and look through once.
Any suggestions or conversations are welcome! :highfive:
This sounds really interesting!
I don't forage, but I do pick blueberries and wild strawberries in the summer up here in Maine. Blackberries, too. You can also make tea with wintergreen leaves, but I've never tried it....
I love picking berries in the summer! Some of my fondest summer childhood memories were picking mulberries off a wild mulberry tree we had near our house and wild raspberries at a local park. I think what I’ll do is when I forage something I’ll document it here for others as well :)
not from the states or even eastern part of Canada, (western part)

but i still like to forage (hope its okay if i join)

i like to forage, Hazelnuts, raspberries, blue berries, wild straw berries, Saskatoon berries (or think there called June berries out east), choke cherries.

also started getting into the mushroom foraging/hunting part, so far i know about chanerelle mushrooms and starting to learn the morel family.
not from the states or even eastern part of Canada, (western part)

but i still like to forage (hope its okay if i join)

i like to forage, Hazelnuts, raspberries, blue berries, wild straw berries, Saskatoon berries (or think there called June berries out east), choke cherries.

also started getting into the mushroom foraging/hunting part, so far i know about chanerelle mushrooms and starting to learn the morel family.
Welcome! That is awesome you forage for hazelnuts, I would love it if there were trees around me I could get some. I haven’t started foraging mushrooms yet, I feel a little nervous I’m going to cut the wrong ones. The good thing is here in PA there aren’t many from what I’ve read.
Do you have any pictures of the mushrooms you’ve found?
Welcome! That is awesome you forage for hazelnuts, I would love it if there were trees around me I could get some. I haven’t started foraging mushrooms yet, I feel a little nervous I’m going to cut the wrong ones. The good thing is here in PA there aren’t many from what I’ve read.
Do you have any pictures of the mushrooms you’ve found?
if i can remember how to get a picture on here, sure i can show of the mushrooms.

but these are the beaked hazelnut's.

i know the feeling about the mushrooms, for years i was scared to try to forage for them, but my friend kept telling me how good some of them are. so my suggestion is to start with one species and learn it well like very well.
if i can remember how to get a picture on here, sure i can show of the mushrooms.

but these are the beaked hazelnut's.

i know the feeling about the mushrooms, for years i was scared to try to forage for them, but my friend kept telling me how good some of them are. so my suggestion is to start with one species and learn it well like very well.
That’d be awesome to see some photos! What made you start with the Chanerelle mushroom family?

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