Forgot my eggs at the farm. Are they okay?


10 Years
Jan 7, 2010
Greenwood, SC
I left my collected eggs at the farm sitting outside. Can't remember where. It was close to 80 today but not terribly sunny. Will they be okay if I refrigerate them tomorrow morning? We don't live at the farm and I didn't remember until tonight.
I think, I would boil them and feed them to dogs or even to your chickens.. I have eaten eggs that had been left out all day --when it was 105*.. But they were in the dark coop/in the even darker nest box.
dito dixiedoodle - why, because that was fun to say, 2 I would do the same if you are worried about the eggs - scramble and feed to the chicks - they will love you for it.

Again: dito dixiedoodle - so fun to say!!!
They'll be fine. If you think there may be a problem, boil them for egg salad or deviled eggs or crack them into a bowl, sniff and use for baking--I wouldn't do either since they were only out a day or so. Heck, a brooding hen leaves eggs sitting for a week or longer before setting and they're fine. Some people are just too brainwashed by the USDA's insistence that commercial eggs be washed then refrigerated to realize that once laid a egg will keep for weeks as long as it isn't washed. Your birds went through too much to lay those eggs, there is no reason to waste them.
I wouldn't waste good, farm-fresh eggs on a dog.
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IMO, I would'nt worry about them at all. There are many days where our temps (over the summer) reach far above 80 and we might not collect eggs until late afternoon or the next morning. Haven't had a problem yet.

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