forums, god, prayers, and chickens

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Moms folly:
I'm sorry for the events that have happened to you or your family being the reason why you dislike religous comments etc.on here, I don't like to say it but there are folks out there that claim to know God, and I believe they may not because of their actions. There are also some folks that are pushy and preachy, but most of all judgmental of those that do not believe the SAME as they do. There are many different religions out there and beliefs, I have in no way ran across anyone like that here on BYC nor have I seen anywhere on BYC believers speaking out against non believers or poking at peoples differences. There are plenty of folks that are hypecritical in religion and else where in life . I am not a judgemental person and I personally do not like folks that are. BYC is not a public school nor a government building, I believe that on ME, MY chickens,and MY family, folks should be able to post what ever they want to. After all we do live in a free country and have the freedom of speech and I am thankful for that and to our troops. I wish everyone could get along without getting angry because everyone is different in many ways. I hope you will understand what I'm trying to say because I dislike seeing good people, believers or not leaving this forum over this subject. And as Paul Harvey says Good Day.
I feel like I would be ostracized if I didn't go along.

I don't go along (I am not religious) and I am darn near ostrichsized. In height.

What's wrong with being ostrichsized, anyway??
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No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means grow up, thicken up your skin and realize everything isn't all about you (not said to anyone in particular). I get very tired at professional offense-takers, who look for offense under every syllable spoken by someone they don't agree with.

There absolutely is not a right to not be offended. It's similar to guilt. No one can make you feel guilty, you have to assume the guilt to let it hurt you. Works the same way when you're always being offended. Assume offense and you'll find it everywhere.
With all due respect to the OP, offended wasn't the word used, ostricized was. In other words, unwelcome. And I'm not sure much of this thread will quel those concerns.
No one has beheaded anyone on here due to beliefs, that I've seen.

So how about we all stop complaining, to each his own faith, and let it go?

It'd make life a whole lot easier on all of us.

Especially since it's also topics like THESE that start the trouble.
It means grow up, thicken up your skin and realize everything isn't all about you (not said to anyone in particular). I get very tired at professional offense-takers, who look for offense under every syllable spoken by someone they don't agree with.

Oh, I do too, on both sides--I agree, in principle it sounds great. I just rarely, rarely see it working that way in practice. Didja ever see a playground full of kids, and they're handing out lollipops/cupcakes/valentines to all their friends, but they don't give one to just one or two kids? Ideally, you know those one or two kids are not entitled to a cupcake, that they will not die without a cupcake, that the cupcakes were brought in by the popular kids anyway and no one else has a right to a cupcake. You would hope, I would hope, we all would hope, that those few cupcake-less kids would be strong of character and shrug it off and move on with their lives. And sometimes they do, and good for them. But in practice...people are unfortunately very human, you know?

Agree with the other thing derby said, a little politeness goes a loooooong way!​
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