Found a soft shelled egg, dropped it, chickens ate it, problem?


8 Years
Aug 15, 2011
Today my ladies each laid an egg. My Polish/Buff dropped a soft shelled egg and when I picked it up I dropped it. She seemed very interested, popped out of the house and rushed to eat it. Her friend helped finish it. Should I be worried? I think they're both getting enough calcium. They are free range, with suppliments of yogurt, safflower seeds, millet, meal worms, pumpkin seeds, banana, rice and scratch. Ideas?
I'll watch them and hope they don't start eating their own eggs...
I was worried about just that when I had several broken eggs in my coop, thanks to the lovely and talented Pip, who insisted on laying from up on the roosts for her first two weeks. Gravity, as you might imagine, was unkind.

Her broken eggs did get eaten, but I have no egg eaters now, 3-4 weeks later, and all my girls are laying reliably. Where they should be. Except for Hermione. Which is another story...

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