Found an egg outside the coop...


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 25, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
Hi all,

While letting the hens free-range yesterday, I was walking around and checking things out. I stumbled upon an egg from one of my girls, but not sure which one. I don't know how many days it's been out there, but the shell was in good shape. When I thump on the egg, it sounds like it's lighter when compared to others I already have in the fridge. And, it sounds like I'm thumping a glass shell, as it has a distinct "ring" to it, unlike the others. I also weighed it to compare the refrigerated eggs and it was about the same. How long can an egg be left outside, unrefrigerated, and still be safe to eat?
I would think it depends on your temperature. We currently are going down into the 20’s at night. Not so good for eggs I would think. Maybe just toss it out or feed it back to the girls?
You can test if an egg is good to eat, if it floats in water it's not fresh and you should just toss it back out

we have left eggs outside for up to five days before, does depend on how cold it is.

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