Found an emaciated chicken on the side of the road; I want to help out.


Mar 26, 2020
Hello all!

Two days ago I found a chicken who appears to be in very bad shape and incredibly weak/skinny. It can barely stay up; it is drinking well, eating "some" chick starter (18% non medicated), but I want to know if there is anything I could do to speed up any possible improvement that could take place? At times, I feel like it may improve but then a couple hours later it seems that we take a couple steps back. I have never owned a chicken, much less been informed on proper care for it. I have space where the chicken can live, say it makes a full recovery. It looks to be full grow, but rather young. Any possible tips would be greatly appreciated.
Some chick vitamins might be helpful for a few days. Most chickens love feed made wet with water, scrambled egg, canned tuna, or canned cat food. Offer one of those at a time, and of course, chicken feed is the best for her, so the extras are just to tempt her to eat and gain some weight. I really hope that you can get her to gain some weight. You are kind for trying to help her. Watch for runny poops, check her for lice or mites on her lower belly. Probiotics which some feeds already contain are good for overall health.
Hey guys, unfortunately the poor little girl passed away. When I got home I immediately went to go check on her and it seemed like she had recently passed. She was full of little maggots; I wonder if these were already in her or her quickly decomposing body got those things to come. I could have easily gotten her a dewormer; but I feel like even when I had found her she just looked in really bad shape. I feel awful; but I did my best and she certainly received a lot of love and attention in her last days. Thank you for commenting!
Very sorry for you loss, and so glad that you took care of her. The maggots may have gotten onto her when she died, or if she was lying down too weak to move.

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