Found baby chick on our porch

I do not have pain relief kind but I do have backing Max tonight. I do have a heat lamp but I'm staying awake for little one.
Regular triple antibiotic will be fine, so long as it doesn’t have "pain relief" in it.

I would turn on the heat lamp so you can monitor the little one for a bit before you head off to get some rest. If you have a thermometer, you'll want it about 95ish. Has the chick been drinking?

It won't die by itself, I've raised singles before just fine. They are very clingy though and will need a lot more interaction from you as it's pretty much a baby without a mother or siblings
We raised a single chick once as a storm disrupted electric during incubation. He was the only one who made it. His name was clearly “Stormy”. We put a small stuffed animal in his brooder box with him. It should help keep it from chirping for attention. As a matter of fact Stormy had his stuffed animal up until he was a rooster.
What are your long term plans for the chick? If you plan on keeping it you'll need to give it some friends, otherwise, see if someone with chicks will take it in. For now, I would do what everyone else suggested
They're certainly a cutie either way :3

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