found chick, breed?


9 Years
Nov 18, 2010
Southern Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
This chick was found and brought in to my mom's work (animal hospital). It was brought in Friday, I'm guessing it's about a week old. So far all I can really tell is that it has a single comb and it's probably going to be white. Luckily I had a broody sitting on nothing, I was actually planning on breaking her last weekend. So far she's doing good with the chick, never had any before.

It's possible it's a broiler, there are a lot of chicken houses around here. Chicken trucks pass though all the time, the hatchery and processing plant are in the next town up.




Well from what I've heard about feather sexing that is a little boy. But I could be wrong I'm new to chickens but my bets would be rooster. Not sure what breed. It could be 1 of 3 different breeds that are white. But good luck with that cutie! Hope someone else can clear it up for you.
No it's white, not buff. It does have some yellow on it's back, so it may get in some red.

I've got a feeling that it's a rooster, but going for a pullet. But if it's a broiler, I'd rather it be a roo. ;)

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