Found chicken stuck behind nest box

Good to hear that she is doing better. Hopefully she will begin eating and drinking normally. You can do some poop removal manually to make sure that her vent is clear. Bathe her later today if she is eating and active. I would let her have a visit with her flock today, but keep her inside and blow dry her if you bathe. As soon as she is able I would get her back with her flock. Watch to see if anyone is pecking or bullying. Dog crates are great in the coop if there is a need to separate.
Mine are not hanging, but I put chicken wire between the cracks to prevent hens falling behind.
I did this when an ornery Orpington ventured over to visit the ruthless RIRs. Had I not intervened disastrous results would have ensued. Glad I was home to assist in the "debate" over whose fence it was between them.
She is much improved this morning. Pretty alert but only eating a small amount. She is more steady on her feet but still a little wobbly. I will keep her in the house until she looks strong enough to join the flock.

Should I give her a bath? She really made a mess of herself on the backend. If I was her she will definitely stay inside overnight to make sure fully dry before going back out into the cold
Sounds and seems like a wonderful plan from a caring Clucker Parent. Do yo thing and she'll be back to health in no time. Most of us need a little extra coddling and cuddling when we get a "boo-boo" or have a traumatic episode. The overnight dry off should do her well.
I'd wait for that bath because it can be stressful. You can clean her up layer when she's more fully recovered. Unless the poop is dirtying an open wound or something, it can probably wait. Poor little thing... I'm glad she's on the mend.

And don't be too hard on yourself. I find that chickens are experts at getting themselves into these situations. Like toddlers. Even if you chicken-proof everything, they'll figure out some way to confound your efforts.
I agree with you on waiting. However, since she's going to be inside anyway, a wash off may make her and the owner feel calmer and more relaxed.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I’ll give her a few more hours of rest then get her out and really exam her “undercarriage”. She was so weak last night I didn’t want to do too much to her.
See. I knew you were a good Clucker Parent - I felt in my spirit you would do what you inherently feel is right for your "chicken-child". That's really what it's all about - personally knowing your flock and doing the best you can with and for them - with a little helpful advice/nudge from your BYC friends along the way. Thank you for proving me right about you. All the best to you and your lil clucker.

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