Found dead chicks in coop


Jun 15, 2022
I have a hen that is due to hatch eggs this week. I just went to close up for the night and found that 2 of her eggs had broken and the chicks were dead on the floor of the coop.. One other egg looked like it had been pecked at. Is this the broody hen doing this? Or could it be the other chickens? I separated her for the night and am going to check on her in the morning. (Should add that these are eggs that a neighbor brought that the elementary school had partially incubated and we stuck them under her last week to finish hatching)
Check her beak to see if there's any egg residue on it. Has she been broody and raised chicks before? It's happened to me that the chicks will get out of the nest then end up dying. Maybe that happened to your's then the other chickens took interest in it?

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