Found my 5 week old Dominique Pullet laying on her side heavy breathin


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 18, 2011
We just brought her outside to stretch her legs. She was out for maybe 3 hrs in a pen with the rest of our flock. I was doing some work, turned around to check on her and found her laying on her side and she was breathing heavy. Its about 84 degrees and pretty humid, about to thunderstorm. I brought them all in and am keepin her separate. What should I do? Does anyone have any ideas of what it could be? I just got her 2 days ago from a Swap in Manquin VA. She appears to be uninjured. (no obvious injuries or bleeding...) Help Please!!!
Is she still acting funny? laying on her side or is her breathing labored still, Are you sure that she wasn't possibly just sunning herself soaking up some sun? My girls do that sometimes it looks like there having a seizure, they just get out in the sun and flop down turn on there side and spread there wing out. sometimes they got there mouth open appearing to pant too.
how old are the 'rest' of your flock? if they are bigger perhaps they somehow squashed her?
Ok. So I brought her in and put her in her own box with her own food and water. After about two hours she was lifting her head up and looking around and after 4 she was back on her feet. She was kinda stumbling around a little. I checked on her this morning and she appears to be back to normal.

spish, the rest of my flock range from 4 to 8 weeks

ChickensAreSweet, she was just out of breath but that in conjunction with her laying funny in the sun by herself was just too strange. There was definatley something wrong with her. I hope it wasnt the heat because its suppose to be as hot and humid again today...

BTW, I moved the rest of the flock out to the coop last night for the first time. I could barely sleep. Checked on them a few times. It was a big day for us.
Update. My dominique pullet ("Gwen"evere) seems to be back to normal. But now she is being bullied by the others. I caught my BO kicking her in the head yesterday and my wife just caught one of my TSC mystery chicks kicking her in the back. She just sits there and takes it. I usually find her by herself when I look in on them. I've read on here that sometimes they will pick on a weak or sick chick to eliminate a threat to the flock. And since she was sick just a few days ago it has me wondering if there is something wrong with her still. Any advice?
The usual thing that I see with the pecking order is:
A hen will come up to a lower hen and peck her. The lower hen squeaks/squawks and moves away. The higher hen then pecks at the ground and moves on to something more interesting. The peck itself may look vicious, but the higher hen does not persist.

The usual thing I see with BULLYING is (not ok and shouldn't be permitted in your flock- may have to separate them):
A hen will come up to a lower hen and peck her viciously. She looks like she is going to kill her. The younger one moves away but then several of them gang up on her and she has feathers coming out- soon to be blood. You grab the lower hen and save her life. If other members don't gang up on her, the higher hen continues to attack and you fear for the lower one's life.

A hen that is "taking it" by not moving away is IMO either sick or too young to be with the older ones.

You mentioned to spish that your other members of the flock are from 4-8 weeks in age. How old is the sick chicken?
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