Found my Cayuga duck on his back the other night - couldn't flip!

There are a lot of good medical references out there in Germany with interaction of traditional and alternative meds. They are are still ahead with that in Germany. There is also a PDR out for alternative meds. It's big, but I did get it and think it is great. Plus you can ask the pharmacist to check their computer. There are a lot of new studies out about vitamin D and the consensus is that 1000 IU is absolutely fine. My doctor is working in a teaching hospital as a physician teaching others and she is really good with all this. She said it is a good idea to take 1000 IU in winter, if you live above FL. Also to add some in Summer if you use suntan lotion (which I never do anyway). I don't sit and bake in the sun either. LOL They found out that many cancer patients are low in vitamin D and noticed a 60% reduction in re-occurrence when they put them on 2000 IU per day. I think people are fast with pills. Swallow and forget. It will haunt them in the long run. Education is the best way. You right supplements are meds in their own way. They are not regulated so you never know how much you really get.

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