
Jan 15, 2020
East Tennessee
Looking for a pullet or young hen near us (Monroe County Tennessee). We recently picked up a 4 month old Black Americauna to add to our flock but she is much smaller than our EE roo & he's a bit rough, so we are setting up a temporary run inside their pen so they can see each other for a while. We'd like her to have a companion since she'll be separated. Anyone newer us have a young girl or two? Open to different friendly breeds since it's a small mixed flock.
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Okay I see. I am about an hour away. I don't have breeds, only backyard mixes. I may seem crazy here but I need to downsize due to limited room. I would make a deal with you.

I have 3 pullets hatched in fall, 2 at point of lay I think. One is a runt though and still pretty small. I don't know the size of your pullet. The larger 2 may be the right size. But I also have 2 cockerels. I would give you a pullet but with a Cockerel to. Both your choice and free to you. I would be willing to meet you also, maybe half way. I just would like to see them go to a good place. Mine are crowded right now. I am not against cockerels as supper either, it's up to you. I just am not experienced at processing and just culling not to process seems wasteful. (Hope I don't offend anyone.)

I could post pics if you might be interested.
I appreciate your offer. Unfortunately though, we already have 2 roosters so can't take any more males. However, just minutes after I posted this, our pullet's mom contacted me to see if I wanted her sisters.
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