Four chicks with weird eye problems!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
Vancleave, MS
I received ten chicks two weeks ago, unsure exact age, maybe one month old, one I think is older than that. Anyway, the day after they came home, four of them began having watery and swollen eyes. I waited a week, then separated them from the others. for three days now they have been getting durmycin and I have been putting neosporin on the infected eye. They have been very slowly looking better. Also I have been putting apple cider vinegar in their water. Today i noticed one whos eye has been looking slightly better has some kind of white thing at the base of the eye, i can't tell what it is but it is something. Any ideas!! They all are acting fine eating and drinking and fiesty when picked up. Also, when I got them, these four were missing the feathers down the entire length of their back, very weird. They have since been growing in. Help!!

Two of them have had their eyes stuck shut and when I put neosporin on the eye, it does discharge a milky like puss, i do not smell anything when it comes out.
Try to keep the eyes clean. I had several that I had gotten a few years ago that had their eyes "sealed" shut from the goopey stuff and it took about 3 weeks to get them healed up. The neo WITHOUT pain relief will do alot of good. I just used warm water and a soft wash cloth to clean their eyes several times a day. The hard white stuff in the corner of the eyes is the puss. It is not liquid like ours. It forms a hard "cheesey" ball in chickens. It should come out soon with the warm water. All of mine recovered but it was a tough 3 weeks. Keep them in "sick bay" until their eyes are clear.

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