6 Years
Feb 21, 2017
Its disheartening that the fowl fox has stopped me from rearing Turkeys due to too much of mosquito in my area. Can someone help me with insight on how to go about it. Do they have vaccine that I can administer as early as day old? Thank you all for your assistance.
Interesting. I live in an area that is infamous for having lots of huge mosquitos, but never had a problem with fowl pox (I think that's what we're talking about here at least. Unless you have a foul fox around that loves your turkeys because of all the mosquitos. ;))
Its disheartening that the fowl fox has stopped me from rearing Turkeys due to too much of mosquito in my area. Can someone help me with insight on how to go about it. Do they have vaccine that I can administer as early as day old? Thank you all for your assistance.
Start here and read through to the end of the thread.
Its fowl pox, I've sometime in my threads showed the affected pictures.
Interesting. I live in an area that is infamous for having lots of huge mosquitos, but never had a problem with fowl pox (I think that's what we're talking about here at least. Unless you have a foul fox around that loves your turkeys because of all the mosquitos. ;))
Is it not mosquitos that spread it? I don't have that experience and it is too much now. Before I use to have few cases on turkeys only, now even my chickens die of the disease. Sorry me!

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