Fowl Pox question in mosquito-filled Houston

Vintage Chick

In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
If you saw the national news a couple of weeks ago, you heard about the flooding that happened all over Houston. Less than two weeks later, I cannot walk outside even during the middle of the day, and not be attacked by mosquitos!

I have brand new layers that are all flourishing! My question is:

Regarding the area I live, should my 5 month old layers get a fowl pox vaccine? Is there anything else I should do to prevent the disease?
If you saw the national news a couple of weeks ago, you heard about the flooding that happened all over Houston. Less than two weeks later, I cannot walk outside even during the middle of the day, and not be attacked by mosquitos!

I have brand new layers that are all flourishing! My question is:

Regarding the area I live, should my 5 month old layers get a fowl pox vaccine? Is there anything else I should do to prevent the disease?
We went through 2 tropical storms recently, plenty of mosquitos here. It's up to you if you want to get your birds vaccinated or not. Try to eliminate standing water as best as you can, except waterers of course; bird baths, old tires, anything collecting water.
My flock all got fowl pox after a recent spate of wet weather. Fortunately, it was the dry form of pox that manifested itself largely by dark spots on their combs and wattles. The pox kept them from laying for a few weeks but they've all recovered and back up to speed and should be immune to further infections. The wet form of the pox is more dangerous as it gets in mucuos areas like the eyes, mouth and throat and can kill the bird. While my girls turned out OK, if I had thought of it, I would have gotten them vaccinated.
PLEASE get the vaccine!!! And don't allow any standing water.

My young turkey poults just went through a TERRIBLE case of dry pox that changed to WET POX. It was HORRIBLE!!! It lasted about 2 months! I never want to go through that again.

I have learned my lesson. VACCINATE VACCINATE VACCINATE for my birds from here out on.
Okay, so I'm thinking I need to head to the feed store tomorrow to get the vaccine. HOWEVER, I just looked at the manufacturer of the vaccine, and they state to give the vaccine only to pullets up to 18 weeks of age, and to not innoculate during egg production. I also read to not eat the eggs. What to do?

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