Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?


Dec 21, 2021
Hello! My flock had chicken pox probably 4 months ago. Everything cleared up and all was fine and now I have a hen getting blister looking things on her face. Been reading around and when I get home from work I will check the inside of her mouth. I haven't done that yet as I had no idea about wet pox. The one on the side of her face is my concern though. It doesn't look like what the pox looked like last time. Can someone help to confirm this on her face? I didn't see a blister so I wasn't expecting to see what looks like in early stage scab. It's rather large.


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That's a bit different, I'll tag in @Eggcessive and @coach723 as well.

Could be Fowl Pox, but usually birds are resistant once they have had it and recovered.

Do look inside her beak for any lesions, yellow or white pasty material and make note of any odors.

Until the others chime in, I'd be inclined to just monitor those areas. If it's Fowl Pox, disturbing scabs and lesions can cause it to spread. That said, if you feel you do need to put something on those places, then use Iodine which can help dry up Fowl Pox lesions. I'd paint it gently on or dot it on with a QTip - don't rub.
Thank you both! Ill tey the iodine. I checked in her mouth. Looks good but then I noticed these on her leg and knee. Can they get pox on their legs?? Or bumble leg?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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They can get it on legs and feet, it's more common on the face, comb and wattles, but it can affect any of the non feathered parts of the body. Did this bird have symptoms when the others had pox? They don't look like the typical pox lesions I've seen, but possibly this bird didn't get it then, and has it now?
They can get it on legs and feet, it's more common on the face, comb and wattles, but it can affect any of the non feathered parts of the body. Did this bird have symptoms when the others had pox? They don't look like the typical pox lesions I've seen, but possibly this bird didn't get it then, and has it now?
A few of my girls didn't get the pox when it was running through the flock, I believe she was one of them.
That doesn’t look like fowl pox to me. Squamous cell carcinoma or keratoacanthoma can cause crater-like lesions on the body. I would observe her for more of these lesions. Hopefully, it is not that, but looks similar.
I really hope not!! Im hopeful its not meriks. She's her usual goofy active self. Eating, drinking, poop looks great. Shes got two of the crater like lesions but the rest if the bumps look like regular blisters so far. The one on her beak is finally crusting up. I'll try n sift through her feathers this evening when I get home and search for something on her skin.
My aunt gave her to me. She was the only survivor of a rat attack escaping with only a bite or cut on the top of her little we named her Lucky 💗. I hope she stays that way. She's the goofiest bird in the flock. Im quite fond of her.

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