Fowl Pox

YES! That's It I separated her from the flock none of the others have it, do you know what it is?


According to the description given, that may be Coryza. Please keep in mind when treating, that even if you are able to nurse them through this, they will probably be carriers and should never be exposed to a healthy bird. That means you must keep a closed flock. Many chicken owners would make the choice to cull the sick birds in an effort to save the rest and keep a healthy flock.

I'm so sorry for your trouble.
YES! That's It I separated her from the flock none of the others have it, do you know what it is?


I wish I did know exactly what it is but I don't yet. I have given them two doses of Tylan 200 and can say I do see some improvement already. In the few birds that only had slight swelling like Cocoa that swelling has gone down a little. The two girls that are the worst off seem to be feeling a little better. Pepper has been outside all day. She is even eating a little here and there. Princess still can't see so she is still in the coop BUT she is moving around much more and making some normal chicken sounds. She is my talker...and she didn't make a noise the last few days so this is good. If I were you I would get my hands on some Tylan and start medicating. I think you caught is much quicker than I did. It was so cold outside I didn't spend the time to check my girls over. I won't make that mistake again. I sure hope none of your other birds come down with it. LEt us know how things go.
Should I keep her from the flock or should I get her vaccinated? My two other birds are completely fine less egg because of cold. I was cleaning my sick chicken up today and I found a bug crawling on her should I be concerned?
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It sounds like Infectious Coryzoa (sp?) Once you have it, they are have to either cull them out to keep the healthy birds from getting it...or run the risk of your whole flock being carriers...which means you cannot sell the birds to anyone else or breeders. It is that contagious. Tylan is suppose to work really well on this, but also Sulpha drugs are labeled to work too. I would read up on it more, get a good idea on what drugs work the best and this type of virus is sensitive to. There is suppose to be a booster for chicks, to keep them from getting this. I would suggest boostering next years chicks, and culling out this flock... replace with healthy birds then, so you dont have to deal with this over and over again. Make sure you sanitize/disinfect everything before bringing in new healthy birds to that area too! Even if you clear this bird are running the risk of the rest of the flock getting it...and this is also something that will show symptoms off and on, depending on when the birds are stressed from anything. So not only are you treating this bird could end up treating her again and again through winter, and also the rest of your birds. They could all be carriers already, and the symptoms have just not presented yet. If you have other types of birds... please be aware that turkey, peafowl, and pheasant can get this also!!! I read up on this, because i suspected i had a problem here with my turkey and peafowl... they had just a swollen sinus, i was lucky. Sometimes dust will cause sinus problems in other types of fowl... i am sure it does also with poultry, but i would do some research and call a vet and ask about testing to confirm, so you can take the next necessary steps. My Vet offered to do cultures and send to a lab...but they can also PTS any sick birds and do necropsies also. Just depends on how you want to handle things there...if these are your pets they can live with this type of virus and you can treat the symptoms as they come along...or if you are a breeder, you may want to do what you can to get to the bottom of it, and cull out start over. Sometimes we need to make hard decisions, it is never easy. BE not eat any eggs while they are on antibiotics, you need to wait several weeks till even they are done with it. The bug you found is probably mites, it is a good time of year to dust everyone, you will see alot of bugs on the birds right now. I am seeing some on my birds, probably because it is getting colder. Get some Poultry Dust from TSC... works good. I also have heard DE works good also, but i cant find it at TSC or near here.
There is no cure!
should I risk my flock I can't decide. I only have three birds, can you still eat the eggs when they have croyzoa? Will it make me sick?
My chicken is all better!!!
I really think she just got pecked in the eye, she just laid a egg today! It's like a easter egg because it has a lighter brown stripe in the middle!

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