fowl pox


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
We just had one of our hens die today, not sure what from, she was just acting very lethargic yesterday and today she was laying under the coop, I have noticed on them what I think is fowl pox from what I see online here, is there anything you can do for that, I think most of them have it on their combs it seems. Very bummed
it doesn't seem as though they die from this though. Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks much!
Steve and Val
Hi, Steve and Val

My chickens have fowl pox right now, and one girl is very sick. It can be fatal if it develops into what they call "wet pox", meaning it is in their mucous membranes and/or respiratory passages. Why do you think it is fowl pox? What are your chickens' symptoms? Mine have warty bumps and blistery looking bits on their eyes, wattles, and combs. They may be white or black. My really sick bird has an eye which has now swollen shut. Please share more.

good luck
ours too have the blisters like yours, looks exactly like the pictures posted under the fowl pox on here. I don't know if the one we lost had the "wet/pox" or not, tonight I noticed some blood on one of the others hens behind as she was getting off the nest box, there were no blood on the eggs though, so we will have to watch her now too, we lost a hen a couple months back to " " the term escapes me at the moment, it's when their insides come out, starts with a P I do know that
I sure hope we don't loose another one, I will be discouraged for sure!
Thanks for the reply nice to know we aren't the only ones in the boat


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