Fox attack! 12 chickens dead and abandoned.

Do red foxes climb wire?

Hi Yes, foxes can climb, as you know, 5yrs ago a fox wiped out 16 of my girls. We
have a 6ft wall on the back, of our garden, the 6ft fences from neighbours gardens.
Our coops were on top of garden, with top fenced off as we have dogs. It was my own
stupidity i one night i did not lock them all in, he jumped the wall and took them all. But
then could not get back over with any of them. Some were by the fence others scattered outside, and others in their coops. It was horrible but the reason, he left them, is because, they were to heavy for him to get back over. Otherwise he would have, so yes,
i truly believe it was a fox, now my husband has bulit new coops and run, with covers.
Further down the garden, we also bought 4 alarms. You know the ones, if anything goes near, they flash lights and make a screeching sound. (Not expensive.) I also still lock them in every night, cause after 5yrs it happened, i never want to see that again. Also sure
your Dad will do you proud, with securing new ones. Looked at your pics, and i believe
he jumped on coop and down, but could not manage to get back over with any. As he
would have, so like what happened with ours, i think it was a fox.
sorry guys i have little experience with foxes, my trapping book said only gray foxes will climb trees. i deal mostly with coyotes and soon to be wolves.
Yeah from the research I’ve done it says red foxes in America have more prey than in Australia. Most of their prey here live up trees and so the foxes have adapted to being able to climb

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