Fox breed RP II (Arctic foxes, American red foxes, fennec foxes, gray foxes, corsac foxes, and more!

That's when she saw a shadow looking fox. Taken off guard by his appearance, she sat up to get a better look it. Her movements scared the bunny back into the brambles. She let out a moan of disappointment. Then look back at the other fox to ask, "Friend or foe?"

"Friend. Or, I'd like to be." He said calmly and walked toward her.
"Good, because at this rate, my mornings going, I wouldn't be much of a change to fight. Of which, you made me scare off my breakfast." She looked longingly at the brambles.

He looked into the brambled. He reached his leg into there to get his claws in the bunny and drag it out.
"Yeah, a little." He said and finally got both of his paws around the rabbit, pulled it out, and killed it. "Here." He said and gave it to her.

Rieve looked down meekly and said, " Thank you very much." Then she slowly took it from him. "Don't you want it? After all, you caught it."She asked as she put it down in front of her.
Rieve looked down meekly and said, " Thank you very much." Then she slowly took it from him. "Don't you want it? After all, you caught it."She asked as she put it down in front of her.

"No, I just ate a muskrat, I'm full." He said.

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