Fox removal

The fox showed up again on Monday but didn’t take anything. Yesterday it came back while we were away and took one of our olive eggers. The other olive egger got stuck next to the coop. I think she has a broken leg but I’m not sure. What do you think?


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I had a fox attack two weeks ago. It scratched one hen on the back ( she’s doing better ). We also had a hen with some nerve damage and she’s recovering . But today it came back and took a hen. I am sick of it hurting my chickens and I want it gone. I can’t legally kill it, what should I do?
Keep the chickens locked up until the foxes move along.
I had a fox attack two weeks ago. It scratched one hen on the back ( she’s doing better ). We also had a hen with some nerve damage and she’s recovering . But today it came back and took a hen. I am sick of it hurting my chickens and I want it gone. I can’t legally kill it, what should I do?
The 3 Ss
Shut up.

I've had to do the same with bobcats.

Can't tell for sure but it could be. Could also be a wound?

Fox has got to go. Several years ago we had a fox problem here. Everyone around us lost either chickens or their entire flocks to her feeding her kits. We were lucky. Our coop is metal clad, concrete floor and we have chain link around our run with a hot wire around the base. Fox prints around the run and coop but not inside. We were the only ones who didn't lose birds.

I saw the fox one morning. She was a gorgeous creature and BIG! Called the Dept of Conservation and talked to an agent about the problem and asked if they could trap her and the kits and remove them to an area where they would be welcomed for conservation purposes and he said no that unless you use a foot hold trap of some sort it's almost impossible to trap a fox. They say can't out fox a fox for a reason is what he said to me.

He said that in Missouri when wildlife endangers live stock owners are within their rights to eliminate the threat. Chickens are live stock so shoot to kill he said.

I got the word out. Don't know if somebody eliminated the problem but it stopped after that.

Best advice is to keep at your conservation dept. You pay their salary with your tax money. Also I'm adding my vote for the electrified run/coop. Trust me, if you hang a bit of bacon on the wire and the fox's nose makes contact with the bacon that fox isn't coming back. Also many people worry about their chickens/kids/dog/other pets coming into contact with the hot wire. Dogs and pets may touch it once and never again. They quickly figure out that those little feathered pull toys pack a punch. Same for humans. It will shock you a good one but you will learn to be careful around them.

As for chickens, I had a free range rooster touch the hot wire two days ago while going through the gate to the bachelor run. He jumped straight in the air about 4 feet and squawked. Next day I watched him and he walked up to it and 'high stepped' over it so they learn. Only damage I've ever seen to any bird is a few singed tail feathers but I would rather have it pack a punch than tickle whatever comes in contact with it.

Hope you get things under control. I know how frustrating it is. :hugs
The 3 Ss
Shut up.

I've had to do the same with bobcats.
I think OP already has an action plan. Trying to kill the fox is a last resort if predator proofing fails.
Relocating may even be a possibility, though not often done, a rehabber could do this.

The 3 S's are not a solution to everything, and when the animals are free range, it's irresponsible to jump immediately into killing protected wildlife.
I had a fox attack two weeks ago. It scratched one hen on the back ( she’s doing better ). We also had a hen with some nerve damage and she’s recovering . But today it came back and took a hen. I am sick of it hurting my chickens and I want it gone. I can’t legally kill it, what should I do?
You can get a cage and capture it and move it to somewhere else
You can get a cage and capture it and move it to somewhere else
This would still be illegal in most places, unless you have a licence.
Reason being, dumping a fox in an unknown territory is extremely dangerous for them. Its arguably less humane than just killing the animal.
Rehabbers sometimes will do this, but they know the best areas for relocation, where it is best for the animal. It certainly isn't our place to do it.
Bb gun. Small pellets sting, but shouldn't kill. Personally when it comes to protecting my animals or my kids, the law is irrelevant to me, I just do what needs to be done and I make sure nobody saw anything. The government won't reimburse your losses.
Bb gun. Small pellets sting, but shouldn't kill. Personally when it comes to protecting my animals or my kids, the law is irrelevant to me, I just do what needs to be done and I make sure nobody saw anything. The government won't reimburse your losses.
Why do you suppose the fox is protected by law?
We have to remember that the fox might be the reason why you don't have a weasel coming around, or mice or birds spreading disease to the flock. I know it stinks to have a problem animal, and I understand wanting to just have it gone, but it is a web out there and boosting our security is the only real solution.

We border a wildlife preserve. We rarely have problem animals, because they get eaten by something else, or find something else to eat before they can be a real nuisance to us. We need predators, too. I totally understand having a hard time affording building supplies, and nothing we do can be 100% predator proof, but making a super secure space for the birds is the horse you want to bet on.
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