
Ya, its pricey. There is a 4 pack of lights, and plenty of other brands for the lights that are cheeper. The Urine is expensive though, no escaping that. Maybe if you cant do netting, you can get bird spikes like these, you glue to the top of the fence to make it harder to jump?
You need to concentrate on eliminating the fox. If you can't shoot it and trapping hasn't been successful up your trapping skills or seek a trapper out that knows what to do.
Foxes here are very wise they won't fall for a live trap and can seem almost impossible to catch.
Don't waste a bunch of $$$ on cr@p. You surely don't want to worry about rodents and push them into the open to attract more predators. Geez. A fox killed my bird so lets attract more foxes. Seems silly to me.
Those lights arent worth the money. They work when theres not a problem. When there is predator activity they don't stop it.
Urine is the same deal it won't stop them. If you want to give it a try I suggest saving your money and just urinate on your birds yourself.
You need to concentrate on eliminating the fox. If you can't shoot it and trapping hasn't been successful up your trapping skills or seek a trapper out that knows what to do.
Foxes here are very wise they won't fall for a live trap and can seem almost impossible to catch.
Don't waste a bunch of $$$ on cr@p. You surely don't want to worry about rodents and push them into the open to attract more predators. Geez. A fox killed my bird so lets attract more foxes. Seems silly to me.
Those lights arent worth the money. They work when theres not a problem. When there is predator activity they don't stop it.
Urine is the same deal it won't stop them. If you want to give it a try I suggest saving your money and just urinate on your birds yourself.
Haha. I’ll look for A real trapper. Wonder how I would find such a one? I did find a guy with a silencer gun but he cannot wait around here forever. I’m gonna look and ask.
I had a fox issue. I did eliminate it. It was coming around during the day and killed my special bird. I let her out of her pen. I got distracted and the fox took her. I still beat myself up for not putting her back in her pen when I was distracted. I knew it was a risk. I put live traps out and baited them for a few day and let the fox take the bait then set the trap and caught it. Since I have seen other fox on my game cameras roaming at night but they haven't bothered my birds. I do have good heavy duty netting covering my pens that all have trees in them, concrete under the gates and electric wires around the coops and pens. No more issues. These pens are completely covered with good netting. Every year I trim the trees so I have the netting so I can move it to do the trimming then put it back. I'm an old lady.

This was the fox.
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Poor fox, he can't stay, but I still feel really bad for him!
If you eliminate a fox or any predator, there will be more to replace them. I have several game cameras up on my property. I was surprised especially when I first put them up at the number of predators that roam here especially at night.
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A coyote behind some of the coops. The date is wrong on the picture.
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